Thursday, September 13, 2018

the religious icon that 911 has become hasn't removed it from questions, since its obviously a facade created by the ones involved. here are some of those unanswered questions;

The JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the London Subway Bombings and the events of 9/11, nothing ever changes. The public is looking at either a massive series of cover-ups or unwarranted secrecy with regard to the evidence leading to each crime.
The ink is dry on each on of these investigations, however, the government still withholds the evidence from public scrutiny like we are a bunch of little children too emotionally fragile to handle the truth. In each case, the actions of the government, related to needless secrecy, invites conspiracy theories. Therefore, once again, I add my voice in unison with the other voices who demand transparency in order that the public can determine if they agree with the government’s findings in each one of these cases.
Once again, I am addressing this heinous conspiracy on behalf of the approximately 3,000 grieving families as well as the American people that deserves to be told the truth.
I have serious doubts about the validity of the findings of the 9/11 Commission. The findings are neither complete nor completely believable in their present form. Here is a brief and partial summary of my continued unanswered questions related to 9/11 that I want answered.

1. Why was the video of the Mineta testimony removed from the 9/11 Commission website?
2. Why has not the government addressed the “coincidence” of Able Danger? It is a case of a terror drill providing plausible deniability for the terror act embedded within the drill.

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