Saturday, July 27, 2024

found this image which google won't let me post so i type the copy here for your consideration;

 imagine being a politician in a country so that is racist towards african americans that an indian woman has to pretend to be one in order to be considered for the presidential nomination.

 six minutes from the expat american on 'russians are like what';


 elon spends five minutes embarrassing this bbc 'reporter' and does an excellent job;


 a curious thought and post about a missing individual i suspect everyone will want to consider;

lots to see.........

 the perfect kamala campaign ad in almost two minutes;


other than for storm warnings and damages i don't bother with 'our free press' more accurately labeled 'mockingbird media' after the cia program, except for entertainment purposes, and this article details more reasons; 

For years the media, “fact-checkers,” and “anti-disinformation” initiatives told the public there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden. A few weeks ago, in the space of five minutes, they flipped. Rapid-onset dementia had struck the President and it was time for change.

The people who claim they can sort truth from fiction spent years lying despite the crippling obvious. What is more baffling is why so many people went along with it for so long. Was it fear? Complacency? Cowardice? An incredible level of discipline was enforced – that has thankfully now unraveled.

Rather than debunking “misinformation,” Biden’s protectors often spread it.  

In August 2020 the Aspen Institute coordinated a Hunter Biden laptop pre-bunk exercise that sought to suppress a true story to protect Biden’s wayward son and shield the President from major corruption allegations. A swathe of major media and Big Tech participated in that exercise, including the New York TimesWashington Post, Twitter, Facebook, and many more. Claire Wardle, former director of “anti-disinformation” NGO First Draft (now the Information Futures Lab at Brown University) also participated.

In a letter allegedly organised by Anthony Blinken51 former intelligence agents claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was a “Russian information operation” and Facebook, Twitter, and others suppressed the story on their platforms. Almost everyone now admits the laptop was real.

Or take Biden’s claim that “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.”

PolitiFact thought that may have been an “exaggeration” but reassured us that cases of the vaccinated getting Covid are “rare.”

The Party told you to reject the evidence not just of your eyes and ears, but your whole body.

However, perhaps the biggest lie was the years-long campaign to “debunk” suggestions that Biden was growing incapable of commanding the highest office in the land. PolitiFact was very diligent in “fact-checking” “cheap fakes” and other stories that alleged Joe Biden was senile, reassuring us that everything was fine..........more.......

 martin armstrong speaks here about the ss, secret service to those of you discovering such things for the first time;

I have reported how President Richard Nixon had threatened the head of the CIA, saying: “I know who killed JFK.” When he was driven out of office, Nixon refused the protection of the Secret Service. This recent attempted assassination was according to their proven playbook. Use a claimed lone shoot, kill him to make sure there is never a trial, and the problem is eliminated. I have often said that history is merely a map to the future, for human nature never changes.

There were assassinations and attempted assassinations of Roman emperors by rivals and sometimes bureaucrats who were trying to weasel in to grab power, like the story of Sejanus, who had the emperor’s son poisoned by his wife so he could marry her and then took out Tiberius to take the throne, there was also the equivalent of the Secret Service in Roman times – the Praetorian Guard.

During the Republican period, they were generally just bodyguards for elite politicians. It was not until 27 BC that the Senate bestowed the title “Augustus” upon him, and he became the first emperor of Rome. From then on, the Praetorian Guard was established, and they became the emperor’s personal security escort—the ancient version of the Secret Service.

Nixon refused the protection of the Secret Service because he was also a student of history. John O’Hurley is coming out this August with a documentary on Watergate, which he hopes will rehabilitate Nixon’s legacy. I met Nixon on the beach on Long Beach Island years ago after he left the White House. I don’t recall the conversation, but I did get the sense he knew his history. I also recall he did not seem to have Secret Service at the time........more........

 one more sign of the collapse of the empire;

Miranda Devine has an interesting op-ed today in the New York Post, sharing information gleaned from a group of law enforcement who are no longer cooperating with what they see as a highly politicized FBI.

The underlying issue is not a surprise to many of us, and the specific reasons for the distrust and lack of cooperation are, not surprisingly, exactly what we predicted long before their assembly came together.

NEW YORK POST – […] “They are not only reluctant to work with the FBI but reportedly have decided to no longer share actionable, substantive information on criminal and other intelligence-related activity with the FBI.” 

Most concerning is what the alliance of whistleblowers calls a “crisis of confidence” in FBI-led task forces where relationships with local cops have deteriorated to the point of “imploding” in some cases because of “poor management and ineffective leadership by the FBI.” 

Local cops said their precipitous loss of trust in the FBI was triggered by its excessive response to the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, followed by the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida. 

One source, a 25-year veteran sergeant in the Major Crimes Division of a large police force in a Western state, said they “cannot understand why the FBI is not going after [far-left militant group] Antifa, BLM and pro-Palestinian rioters with the same vigor the FBI brought to bear against” J6 participants..........more..........

 mr peters has a good understanding of our current reality as he presents here, centered on the kamala;

Those who are looking forward to a Trump victory in the coming (s)election might not want to get too cocky just yet. The sudden departure under-duress of obviously declining Joe Biden does not make it more likely that Trump will win.

Arguably, it makes it less likely.

People who aren’t Leftists have a weakness. It is their assumption that Leftists – there are no Democrats anymore – base their opinions and actions on evidence, logic and principles. They do not. They base them on feelings – and their only “principle” is that power (to impose their feelings) must be pursued by any means necessary.

We just witnessed that in action, although many appear to have missed it. Biden did not step aside; he was shoved aside. This is obvious, yet many seem to think the old grifter just changed his mind after weeks of publicly insisting – angrily, at times – that he was the nominee, that Leftists had voted in the primaries for no one else but him (which is true) and that he was not going to step aside. There was no maybe. There was certainty.

Until – just like that – there wasn’t..........more..........

 a minute on one of canada's most beautiful cities gone from fire;


 a short few second video reveals that covid evidently fertilized the biden as he grew several inches;


here is more from another site i just came across;

 nineteen minutes with scott ritter on israel, hezbollah and hamas;


satanyhu is the newest nickname i've encountered for the criminal in charge of israel. of course it brings back memories of when i was invited to write a weekly column for a local fishwrap but immediately lost it when i insisted upon referring to cheney as darth cheney. name calling i was told, but such naming can lead one to a greater understanding of the recipient, as this article details the reasons for;

As Israel’s brutal offensive on Gaza nears its tenth month causing an ever-worsening humanitarian catastrophe and creating fears of a wider regional war, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was receiving praise during his trip to the United States, which has provided crucial military and political support for the war.

The premier – who could soon face arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court (ICC) over alleged war crimes in Gaza – made his first foreign trip since the start of the war this week where he spoke to Congress, amid protests inside and outside the US Capitol.

Netanyahu has vowed to continue his war until Hamas is eliminated, sought guarantees from the Biden administration that US support will continue despite tensions over Israeli conduct in the Gaza Strip and the postponement of American arms shipments.

Repeated lies

Netanyahu presented Congress with a slew of claims for which he failed to provide evidence, again.

Since the beginning of the war on October 7, sparked by Hamas’ surprise attack in southern Israel, Netanyahu and the Israeli defence establishment have tried to win global backing and sympathy by repeating claims that have been comprehensively debunked.

They said that Hamas beheaded babies and placed them in ovens in an Israeli kibbutz during the group’s Oct. 7 incursion, a claim that was initially reiterated by US President Joe Biden, who later retracted. There was no proof this happened, but Netanyahu repeated the claims during his speech in Congress.

The use of civilian infrastructure by Hamas has also been a prominent claim repeatedly used by Israel to justify striking schools and hospitals, decimating Gaza’s healthcare system and UN-run schools used as shelters. This claim has also never been proven.........more..........

 with the rise of kamala i anticipate more info such as this below, and much of it will be true from all i've seen;

A bail fund promoted by Kamala Harris in 2020 that freed violent criminals is back in the spotlight after President Biden dropped out of the 2024 race. (Fox News)

Sarah Rumf-Whitten – Fox News July 25, 2024

Vice President Harris’ record of backing a bail fund for Black Lives Matter convicted protesters is at the forefront of law enforcement minds as she attempts to paint herself as a law-and-order candidate.

“Let’s be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country,” Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police and an active Houston Police Department lieutenant, told Fox News Digital.

“She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail,” he said. “We’re not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we’re talking about violent criminals.”

Gamaldi said bail reform has not worked in “any urban community.”.......more........

 this is happening in germany but its just as likely here should the kamala factions rise to voting games and success as the politically correct attitude and actions are easily found all around the empire;

Even as German authorities shut down press outlets critical of mass immigration, the country has never seen so much crime from foreigners, with the share of foreign crime hitting a record high in 2023. To exemplify this trend, the case of the small town of Apolda in the eastern German state of Thuringia highlights one of the most extreme cases in the entire country. There, a Moroccan asylum seeker has been terrorizing the small town for nearly 10 years, with local authorities seemingly powerless to stop the mayhem.

The 42-year-old Moroccan migrant has had his asylum application rejected numerous times and despite committing crimes nearly non-stop, attempts to deport him have been unsuccessful, as the Moroccan government refuses to accept him back despite German authorities confirming his identity. Born in Casablanca in 1982, the man is known to Interpol for various crimes, but Moroccan authorities deny that he is their citizen.

The man’s asylum application was already rejected in 2014 since he entered Germany through Italy. At that time, he was supposed to be sent back to Italy under Dublin rules, which posited that migrants are supposed to remain in the first country they register; however, for millions of migrants, these rules were completely disregarded. In April 2015, authorities finally managed to send him back to Italy, but just four days later, he made his way back to Germany despite having a five-year residence and entry ban.

Charged with 46 crimes

Upon his return, he was arrested numerous times for resisting arrest, assault, property damage, and threats. The police launched 46 cases against him, and in 2016, a regional court in Erfurt sentenced him to 23 months in prison.

While imprisoned, he submitted an unsuccessful asylum application, and in 2017, authorities issued an order that he must be “forcibly required to leave the country.” However, upon being released from prison in July 2017, he attacked yet another police officer in his newly assigned asylum center and was arrested for a drug offense...........more.......

 its a curious turn of events when blm is displeased with the kamala scene because 'democracy' which they now discover the reality behind;

Black Lives Matter has criticized the Democratic Party for “anointing” Vice President Kamala Harris as the expected Democrat presidential nominee without a public vote.


Responding to the development, Black Lives Matter criticized Democrats for not giving voters a say—and called on the Democratic National Committee to host a virtual snap primary ahead of the party’s convention in August. Newsweek has contacted Black Lives Matter, the Harris campaign and the DNC for comment via email.

“Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate Black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” Black Lives Matter said in a statement.

“This blatant disregard for democratic principles is unacceptable. While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values.”


Black Lives Matter said any process that does not include voters could undermine Harris, or another Democrat, if they win the White House in November.

“Imagine our first Black woman president not having won some sort of public nomination process. The pundits would immediately label it as affirmative action or a DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] move, and any progress made by a President Harris would be on shaky foundations. If Kamala Harris is to be the nominee, it must be through a process that upholds democratic principles and public participation.”........

 jared taylor speaks about kamala;


 larry johnson speaks with a notable russian about russia and the empire;

I first met Alexander Dugin in December 2023, during my first trip to Moscow. I did not know much about Alexander beyond the public stories describing his as “Putin’s Brain” and that the U.S. Treasury put him on the sanctions list. Here is the U.S. Government explanation:

Alexander Dugin (Dugin), was first designated in 2015 pursuant to E.O. 13660 for being responsible for or complicit in actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or sovereignty or territorial integrity of Ukraine. Dugin was a leader of the Eurasian Youth Union, which actively recruited individuals with military and combat experience to fight on behalf of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and has stated that it has a covert presence in Ukraine.

Dugin controls Geopolitica, a website that serves as a platform for Russian ultra-nationalists to spread disinformation and propaganda targeting Western and other audiences. For example, on February 8, 2022, Geopolitica published an article falsely accusing the U.S. and NATO of provoking war with Russia, in order to “further terrorize the American people in all sorts of malicious ways.”

Yes sir. A real master of disinformation. He was punished for telling the truth. Yes, the U.S. and NATO provoked the war with Russia, but not to “terrorize the American people.” No. The purpose was to use Ukraine as a proxy to destroy Russia. Real simple.

Anyway, the man I met in Moscow is a soft spoken scholar. He is not some wild-eyed propagandist. He is a philosopher and scholar. I also met his lovely wife, Natalyia, who is a scholar in her own right. Two very smart people. When we first met I made a point of expressing my condolences over the death of their only child, Darina Dugina, who was murdered by a Ukrainian terrorist bombing in 2022. They carry the weight of that lost with dignity and grace.........more......

kamala would be, if installed, which could only be achieved via fraud, a motherwefers dream. it would be as if schwab had chosen his perfect 'leader' after castro's boy up in canada of course; 

Though far-left Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris is justly famous for the streams of word salad and nonsense she regularly emits, at times she clearly explains her ideology — and delivers bald-faced lies to advance it.

Now, some of those remarks and comments are going viral, as did her fountains of gibberish earlier this week.

Upshot: A President Harris would make President Joe Biden look like former President Donald Trump.

Communist Leanings?

Harris’ schtick sounds as if she lifted it directly from The Communist Manifesto and playbook of hard-left, anti-police, open-borders activists.

One mashup of her comments has Harris repeatedly suggesting the redistribution of wealth along communist lines without using those words. As well, some of the redistribution would be racial.

Americans must have a “goal of saying everybody should end up in the same place,” she once said. “And since we didn’t start in the same place, some folks might need more equitable distribution.”

As well, she said, we must be “giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding and not everyone starts out at the same place.”

“So there is a big difference between equality and equity,” she said on another occasion:.........more.......

 as dylan sang in the sixties: the times they are a changing, and here we are again;

Many people are well aware of that the Dept of Homeland Security, (DHS – part of the domestic Intelligence Community structure), previously triggered a myriad of activities and actions to control the online speech of Americans.

Factually, despite the previous understandings about Big Tech deplatforming, demonetization, shadow banning and censorship, it took the Twitter-File revelations to put actual context to what the FBI, DHS, CISA and various domestic intelligence communities were doing.

Immediately everyone saw how Big Tech via Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook, etc were using every resource to control information sharing and shut down speech.  In the bigger picture this can be looked at as an effort to control online communication.

Controlling online communication is not only about the content of the voice (under the guise of dis-mis-malinformation), but also about controlling the visibility of the scale of voices who agree.  Ultimately, it’s like an ideologically like-minded crowd in a stadium, if you can stop them at the entry points the stadium looks sparse as the crowd is forcibly turned away.  You don’t know that your opinion is held by tens of millions of people who think exactly the same way you do.

This is why I have continually pointed out that WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the platforms that give us the online impression of size.

There is a difference between ‘the real world’, and the ‘online world’.  Tens-of-thousands of attendees to numerous and frequent Donald Trump rallies are a visual demonstration of scale, while dozens or hundreds attended the same for Joe Biden.  There are other examples like random site-specific polls (non-media influenced), spontaneous assemblies, boat parades, etc.  In every ‘real world’ example, the ordinary American electorate visibly dominate the scope of support..........more.........

 the orange man is reasonably good at marketing and this would certainly be one of those turns;

“Fight, Fight, Fight!” Those were the last words from a wounded President Trump before he was rushed from the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Today, President Trump announces his intention to return to that venue and finish the speech he started.  AWESOME!..........more.........

 this author speaks of france but i'd expand it to include all recipients of the recent 'migrant arrivals'. the motherwefers via schwab and friends have created this situation for reasons we now begin to see even more clearly. its the theme pcr speaks of with much emphasis on things like this leading towards full collapse of the long standing western governments into third world hell holes;

this is a preview: And this is just the start. We can speculate who did it here whatever we want, but strategic reality for France is that its cities are controlled NOT by French but people of different races, ethnicity and culture and many are in France not to integrate but to change France. Considering pathetic level and politically-correct driven cowardice of France's military and security apparatus, the political toppling of France is just the matter of people who know how to paralyze clownish French government. Now, with inputs of weapons from what's left of 404 and its decomposing armed forces--all ingredients are there. This is a trial run.........more.........

 there have been suggestions in recent years that we're heading for a true civil war. the last one so labeled was really a war of succession but what's seemingly on the horizon would be an actual civil war. only time will tell but emotions are high and the times are running close;

For the past six months I’ve been writing about the clear uptick in civil war rhetoric within the establishment media in the US, and we all know that the coming presidential election is the reason for it. The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return.

Set aside the recent attempted assassination (and how the Secret Service made it possible) for a moment and let’s consider the common leftist response to it – Around 30% of Democrats believe the attack was “staged” (virtually impossible given the circumstances and evidence). The rest are enraged that the shooter missed. No event has exposed the political left for what they truly are more than the near-murder of Donald Trump. We are dealing with bloodthirsty mental deficients that will do anything to win.

The “false left/right paradigm” is dead, at least when it comes to average American citizens. The political left is not just an innocent subset of the population being led astray by false leadership – They are a big part of the problem. They are willing participants in the destruction of the west. Globalists would get nowhere on economic centralization, the DEI agenda, the trans agenda, carbon taxation, anti-2A legislation, open borders, etc. without help from a large portion of leftists.

I have long cautioned that the political left is slowly but surely becoming a happy cannon fodder army in service to globalism. And sadly, leftists tend to engage in warfare while conservatives tend to engage in politics. Leftists use any means necessary and feel thoroughly justified. Conservatives color within the lines for fear of being accused of “fascism.” We don’t have to abandon our moral compass, but the sooner we realize that war is being waged on us the sooner we can defend ourselves against it.

As we have seen in Europe (in France the past month), any perceived shift towards conservative influence in government will undoubtedly result in riots and chicanery from socialists. The media has so infected the minds of progressives that they truly believe they are the “good guys” and that conservatives intend to “end democracy.” Thus, in their view all violence or sabotage against conservatives (and independents) is justified...........more......

 considering the subject this article seems like a bit of reality may have been released by 'our free press' that might not otherwise be expected;

To my surprise, last Thursday morning there was relatively little coverage of the address to the US Congress delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Wednesday afternoon apart from a critical opinion piece that appeared in the New York Times regarding Israel’s war on the Palestinians. The article, by Megan K. Stack, asserted that “History will cast Mr. Netanyahu’s visit in deservedly ugly tones. He’s not a guest we should aspire to host, but he is a visitor we deserve. Gaza is our war, too, thanks to the indispensable military aid and political cover the US government has lavished on Israel as the death toll climbs… What exploded as a war of retribution against Hamas has looked increasingly like a broader campaign of annihilation — the slaughter of trapped civilians; the excruciating deaths of thousands of children; the destruction of hospitals, schools and much of the civilian infrastructure.”

Polls have shown for months that more Americans disapprove than approve of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, but Congress and the White House are not interested in the views of the public when they are on the receiving end of hundreds of millions of dollars in “donations” from Jewish billionaires. Much of the coverage of the Netanyahu appearance in the mainstream media was toothless and even adulatory. It generally reflected what was hailed as Bibi’s “fiery speech” that “did not give an inch” which vowed to continue fighting until “total victory” is achieved. There was some coverage of how Netanyahu went so far as to portray the many thousands of demonstrators, some of whom were pepper-sprayed and arrested, who surrounded the Capitol as “useful idiots paid for by Iran.” The jibe, together with other calls to go to war with Iran, produced cheers and other paroxysms of joy among the leaping and waving Congressmen. Bibi might have been particularly personally aggrieved by Pro-Palestinian protesters successfully having released insects into the Watergate Hotel where he was staying. Online video showed maggots running amok on the dinner table..........more.........

 the palestinian agreement with china's involvement, is further explored in this article;

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends the closing ceremony of a reconciliation dialogue among Palestinian factions resulting in the signing of the Beijing Declaration. 

 Di JianlanXinhua News Agency

On Tuesday, Palestinian factions in Beijing signed yet another unity agreement to overcome 17 years of internal division between the two main Palestinian political factions, Hamas and Fatah.

The deal, of which a leaked copy was published by al-Masry al-Youm, centers primarily around the formation of an “interim national reconciliation government” to take charge of the West Bank and Gaza post-genocide and in preparation for elections, to secure an independent state on 1967 territory, to exclude any foreign role over any part of occupied territory after a ceasefire, as well as expand the Palestine Liberation Organization to include Hamas and other factions.

The Beijing Declaration, as it has been named, gave no timeline for implementation.

Hamas welcomed the declaration, saying it created a “barrier against all regional and international interventions that seek to impose realities against our people’s interests.”

According to Chinese state broadcaster, CCTV, the declaration, also signed by a slew of smaller factions, was evidence of Palestinian consensus on “ending division and strengthening Palestinian unity.”

But a host of problems face any attempt at implementation, and it may well turn out that its main significance lies in the fact that it was mediated by China, which is inexorably expanding its role in the region.


The first problem lies in its vagueness.........more..........

 china is moving into and now fully occupies a position the empire could only dream about: it now can be seen as a neutral peacemaker;

HONG KONG – The Beijing Declaration, signed earlier this week, constitutes yet another stunning Chinese diplomatic coup, but the document goes far beyond affirming China’s pull.

The gathering of representatives of 14 Palestinian factions to commit to full reconciliation showed the entire world that the road to solving intractable geopolitical problems is no longer unilateral: it is multipolar, multi-nodal, and features BRICS/Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member China as an inescapable leader.

The concept of China as a peacemaking superpower is now so established that after the Iran–Saudi Arabia rapprochement and the signing of the Beijing Declaration, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba chose to tell his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Beijing that Kiev is now finally ready to negotiate the end of the NATO–Russia proxy war in Ukraine.

Palestinians who came to Beijing were beaming. For Fatah Vice Chairman Mahmoud al-Aloul, “China is a light. China’s efforts are rare on the international stage.”

Hamas spokesman Hussam Badran said the Palestinian resistance movement accepted the Chinese invitation “with a positive spirit and patriotic responsibility.” All Palestinian factions have reached a consensus on “Palestinian demands to end the war,” adding that the “most important” part of the declaration is to form a government that builds Palestinian national consensus to “manage the affairs of the people of Gaza and the West Bank, oversee reconstruction, and create conditions for elections.”

The “three-step” Chinese proposal 

Wang Yi cut to the chase: the Palestinian issue, says the Chinese foreign minister, is at the core of everything in West Asia. He emphasized that Beijing

… has never had any selfish interests in the Palestinian issue. China is one of the first countries to recognize the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] and the State of Palestine and has always firmly supported the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights. What we value is morality and what we advocate is justice.

What Wang did not say – and didn’t need to – is that this position is the overwhelming BRICS+ position, shared by the Global Majority, including, crucially, all Muslim countries.........more.........

 we've been hearing these reports for some time and if true, when we confirm them it will be too late;

According to former government employee Celeste Solum, the camps set up by the the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the U.S. are part of a bigger depopulation agenda.

She shared this during a recent interview on the "Counter Culture Mom" podcast, hosted by former Hollywood actress Tina Griffin. According to the podcast host, she had received a lot of messages, pictures and footage of these FEMA camps over the years. Some of these, Griffin added, were huge buildings with barbed wires facing inward to keep people from coming out and trying to escape.

"FEMA camps are going up all over the place. There were a couple hundred now there's over a thousand that we're aware of that are literally in the U.S., coast to coast," she said, adding that the largest FEMA camp can be found in Juneau, Alaska. This camp can hold three to four million people at once. (Related: TREASON documentary: There are CONCENTRATION CAMPS being built right under your nose in all 50 states.)

The former Hollywood actress then turned to Solum, who said these camps run by FEMA – which is under the Department of Homeland Security – are part of the depopulation agenda in preparation for a post-human world.

"They do not need humans. They have millions and millions of synthetic humanoids built. Japan did it, China did it, the U.S. has done it, Canada made them. They're about ready to come out," Solum said.

"They were constructed in subterranean caverns. They're about ready to come out and replace you. So they do not need you for slave labor."......more.......

 in this post pcr tells us that a tv network has a suggestion for kamala. then we learn they are a problem. the show grows and morphs daily;

Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala?

Paul Craig Roberts

Since posting this article: “Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro:” media have been hyping Shapiro as the VP Kamala needs:

Shapiro is suspected of covering up a murder in order to protect a politically prominent family. The family of the murdered woman has been fighting for their day in court and seem to be on the verge of success. As the media is in their pocket, the Democrats can survive anything, but is this a risk the Democrats want to take?

Here is the story:

 pcr calls this essay the same thing i might in saying the usa is gone;

USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history

Paul Craig Roberts

Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States?

One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation is the rich are electing their own self-interests.

But are they? The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Does this serve rich liberals’ interests beyond providing them with a servant class?

The main benefactors are sexual perverts and immigrant-invaders.

Do rich liberals prefer their genes not to be passed on because their transgendered kids are unable to procreate and are made infertile by Covid vaccines and a variety of testosterone-inhibitors that leave even young men unable to have a natural erection?

Their politics suggest that the interests of the rich liberals diverge from their heirs, the future of their country, and their self-respect. Everything with which the rich liberals are involved–Diversity, equity, and inclusion, global warming, globalism, the WEA’s Great Reset–undermines their commitment to their country. Rich liberals see America as a resource to be used in behalf of “larger agendas.”

So where does America’s leadership class come from?.........more..........

 max igan for ninety minutes in an episode he called: one bullet to win them all and to the system bind them;


Friday, July 26, 2024

 in this kunstler monday he ruminates about the state of 'our democracy';

“Being insane is the new normal.” — Aimee Terese on “X”

However it happened this week, “Joe Biden” passed the blowtorch to a new generation and got himself gone from the political battlefield. Delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention (August 19) were duly notified of the selected replacement, Veep Kamala Harris, and ordered to line up behind her. Not a peep of disagreement was heard among them. Amazing that no one had a different idea. Thus, is democracy saved.

     The curious details around this event remain shrouded in mystery. Reporters for The New York Times and the WashPo could not be bothered to inquire, and their readers are not inclined to ask how all this came to be. It just is. In a culture with no sense of consequence, things just happen or un-happen. It is your duty to recognize that the wind now blows from another direction and bend with it.

      One thing was obvious: the long-running prank of pretending that President “Joe Biden” is sound-of-mind fell apart after his mortifying appearance on the debate stage June 27th. Apparently, every last captain and foot-soldier in the Democratic Party ranks was taken completely by surprise to see their champion flicker out in real time, like a forty-watt bulb that has done years of duty on the front porch and suddenly leaves you in the dark. Three weeks followed with “Joe Biden” boldly campaigning as if nothing had happened. (Perhaps his mind did not register that things had changed.)

      And then there was the weird tweet on “X” Sunday afternoon when the whole country was outside waterskiing, grilling weiners, carjacking, and yelling at ballparks, and the deed was done. Someone, possibly even “Joe Biden” himself, wrote a letter pasted into the tweet that declared he was bowing out of the race. The White House staff didn’t even know until it was up-and-posted. Rumor had it that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama read the riot act to “JB”, who was refusing to follow the script. There were plenty of carrots-and-sticks to finally lever his obdurate ass into motion: not least must have involved any pending legal outcome of the family’s influence-peddling operations, whispers of new whistleblower accusations about offshore bank accounts, perhaps with sweeteners in the deal as to how much schwag the clan could still hold onto in the end.....more........

 nuclear taco gives some groovy new musical backup to the kamala;


 a few links for exploration when you have the time and stomach for it;


edgar cayce......

 in fourteen minutes ivor cummins tells you what's driving mass migration;


 in sixteen minutes neil oliver tells you that while we're going down, at least we get to die laughing;


 a short intro to why no thinking human trusts any tv 'news' reports about much of anything beyond storms on the way or what is left in their wake. i forgot to add earthquakes and perhaps robberies;

This is absolutely devastating and shows in just over a minute why trust in the media is at an all time low - they just relentlessly gaslight and lie whenever it suits their political needs......more.........

 since google won't let me post images i give you this link with several i would have posted separately but here is your bonus: more of them;


 since google won't let me post images anymore, lessen i have a note from my mother, here is an x post image you might find reinforces your opinion of the kamala;


 two minutes i'll bet the ranch you can't perform;


 this is shameful at best as 'our' governments representatives acting for us, we're always told, provide this level of support for the zionist criminals. at the link are several x posts for your consideration;