six minutes on why the nyc accused murder isn't the one who did it;
i began this blogspot to save sending emails to all i suspected might need or want to review. avoid being a spammer. so consider these emails i thought you might find interest in. If the power elites didn’t need the consent of the public to rule, they wouldn’t have to lie constantly about their reasons for their wars on everyone. as gore vidal said: i'm not a conspiracy theorist, i'm a conspiracy observer.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
another sign of political beliefs overcoming reality and we've all seen way to much of it;
The truth to far-left hacks at CBS ‘News’ is like sunlight to a vampire, especially when Democrat lies and cover-ups are exposed. This truism became glaringly apparent when one of their own broke the script on Sunday.
On this Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation, CBS reporter Jan Crawford was unwilling to let her network for their lies over the past four years of Biden’s reign and bravely spoke the truth regarding the media’s greatest failure. The moment happened when she responded to a question from host Major Garrett on Face the Nation.
He wanted the panel to reflect on the year and state what they felt was the most “underreported” story of 2024.
Here was Crawford’s response, which seemed to surprise her fellow panelists:
Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate. And it is starting to emerge now that his advisors kind of managed his limitations, which has been reported in the Wall Street Journal, for four years.
And yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats.
It could have changed the scope of the entire election.
martin armstrong explores gold, taxes, cbdc and you;
Everything will be converted to the new CBDC. The money in your bank account is already just an electronic book entry. This is why banks are closing branches everywhere in the USA as well as Europe. They are preparing for CBDCs, which means without physical paper money, bank branches are no longer needed. You can deposit a check on your phone. The only thing left for a branch is safe deposit boxes, and the government assumes you are hiding cash there anyway. So kiss your local branch goodbye. The local bank I used because it was the closest has closed, and it is now a 30-minute ride to the closest one still open.....more......
it would be nice to see this creature go down;
Seeking revenge for Trump’s longtime criticism of her father’s “weapons of mass destruction” lie, Cheney sought to settle a family score by imprisoning Trump over the events of January 6. “No one is above the law!,” Cheney, in her grating sanctimonious style, frequently insists.
Well, except for her.
It now appears Cheney is preparing to fight any federal and/or congressional probe into her demonstrably corrupt role as vice chairman of the January 6 Select Committee. Text messages obtained by Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga), chair of a House subcommittee looking into the J6 committee, prove that Cheney colluded behind the scenes with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson, who dramatically changed her testimony after connecting with Cheney. The communications could represent witness tampering, subornation of perjury—every former White House official including the driver of the presidential vehicle on January 6 has refuted Hutchinson’s account of Trump’s behavior that day—and obstruction.........more.......
an inverted vision turned square or how i learned to love oblivion;
A slog through the headstones of progress to remind us of the questions we have forgotten to ask. And some stuff about tattoos.
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
– LP Hartley, The Go-Between
We should enjoy these days while we can. Go ahead and have a hot dog and a beer at the Fourth Turning. But we should also use this time to reflect on how we got to this dark chapter for no reason at all so that we might avoid becoming the butt of our own jokes.
Hey, Not All GenX’rs Are Like That!
Our humoral imbalance of excessive progressive bile has apparently become too difficult to ignore, even for those who have become massively enriched by its black, or in the case of electric cars, “green” magic.
What’s now on offer for the peasants is the reliable dark age cure-all. Some good old fashioned spleen venting followed by massive amounts of bloodletting.
The Empire is very sick. So, she needs your boys to bleed.
Wistful Thinking
The new season of Mystery Cringe Theater currently in production by the OMB-DOGE Media Group, is a tired old remake of an original. But according to the Producers, the fact that the original was never really that good is exactly why we need to make it again..........more...........
a race baiter meets tom homan and it doesn't go well for her;
Race-baiting Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) is not known for being one of the more intelligent members of Congress, and incoming border czar Tom Homan brutally reminded America of this today.
On Saturday, Crockett appeared on MSNBC’s Alex Witt Reports to say Homan was utterly clueless about illegal immigration. She made this nutty statement even though Homan served under the first Trump term and during the Obama-Biden regime.
“We have someone (Homan) who doesn’t know what he’s doing,” Crockett claimed. “You have Trump that goes out there, him and his minions, who say things like ‘you know what, we’re only get rid of the bad ones,’ right?”
“People sit there, and they’re like, ‘Wait a minute. You’re gonna come to my job where I’m working and paying into taxes or whatever? Or my kids are at school?’” she added. “I think there will be a rude awakening on all sides.”.........more..........
the biden gang has done much to make it the obviously worst presidency of the nations history though most of us could have predicted that. now comes the cherry on top as detailed below;
Joe Biden decided to prioritize child killers and murderers on his way out the door by commuting the death sentences of 37 of the 40 men on federal death row.
Among the monsters and murderers on Biden’s list of commutations is career criminal Brandon Council.
In 2019, Brandon Council was convicted of the brutal double murders of bank workers Donna Major and Katie Skeen during a 2017 robbery.
Surveillance video from murders shows Council walking into CresCom Bank in Conway, South Carolina, briefly speaking to Major before he pulls out a gun and shoots her multiple times. He then opened fire on Kathryn Skeen.........more.........
a good question that demands a good answer;
GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana announced Monday that she is not ready to commit to voting for House Speaker Mike Johnson to retain his post in the next Congress.
Spartz posted on X, “I understand why President Trump is endorsing Speaker Johnson as he did Speaker Ryan, which is definitely important. However, we still need to get assurances that [Speaker Johnson] won’t sell us out to the swamp.”
The lawmaker linked to a Politico article from 2016 reporting that Trump had decided to endorse then-House Speaker Paul Ryan and then-Sen. John McCain in their primary contests.
Politico noted that Trump had emphasized how important it would be to have a unified party, hence his decision to back Ryan and McCain. Ryan had endorsed the Republican presidential nominee but noted he could rescind it if he deemed it necessary. McCain ultimately did unendorse Trump........more..........
caitlin says out loud what many of us know but don't speak;
We find ourselves in a mind-controlled dystopia where we think, speak, vote, work, shop, spend and behave in more or less exactly the ways the rich and powerful want us to, all while believing we are free - because the mechanisms of control are hidden from us.
Everyone kind of knows that our society is profoundly sick. You can sense it. There are raging disagreements about what exactly it is that’s wrong, but everyone can feel that something freakish and unnatural is happening here.
The source of this sickness isn’t clear at first glance, so you’ll hear countless explanations for what specifically is giving rise to this sense of dis-ease within us. Some say it’s because we don’t have enough religion in our lives. Others say it’s because we have too much. Some say it’s because half the country has the wrong political ideology. Others say it’s because there are too many trans people or immigrants. Some say it’s because humanity itself is innately rotten. Others say it’s because our society is enslaved in a sinister conspiracy by Jews or Freemasons or neo-Marxist technocrats.
Everyone disagrees on the nature of our dilemma, but we can pretty much all agree that something is very wrong. ........more.......
jk rowling says that there are no trans kids and apoplexy ensues;
Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling delivered a Christmastide message over the weekend on X: “Trans kids” don’t exist.
“No child is ‘born in the wrong body,’” she wrote to a pro-trans X user. There followed two more posts that won’t make her any more popular with the “transgender” movement.
Rowling’s posts continue the social-media war she is waging against “trans activists” and their supporters, including doctors, who think the “cure” for a kid confused about his or her sex is toxic hormones and genital mutilations, or “gender reassignment surgery,” as it is called in far-left “trans” code.
Early this year, Rowling mixed it up with a “trans” Scottish Green Party candidate called “Sophie Sparkles.” And she had quite a time ridiculing and criticizing Scotland’s new hate-crimes law that criminalizes speech that offends kooks like Sparkles.........more.......
larry johnson speaks all things from jimmy to the coming year;
The death of former President Jimmy Carter at the age of 100, does not mark the end of an era. Actually, his death is an exclamation point for the disastrous US foreign policy of the last 45 years, especially with respect to the threat from Islamic extremism and the troubled relations with Russia. Jimmy Carter’s reign set the stage for much of the current unrest and turmoil in west Asia and Ukraine. While it is true that Mr. Carter worked diligently after leaving Washington, DC to burnish his image as a humanitarian, his policies towards Russia and Iran became festering sores on the American political body that linger, still suppurating, until today.
James Carden, writing in the American Conservative, has done a masterful job of summarizing Carter’s toxic foreign policy — The Untold Story of Carter’s Fateful Foreign Policy. Carden, rightfully so in my opinion, pins much of the blame for Carter’s foreign policy failures on his choice of a National Security advisor — Zibigniew Brzezinski:
Scholars like Brzezinski drew a straight line from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev and Brezhnev; no allowances were made for the vagaries of succeeding Soviet regimes. The late professor of Russian politics at Princeton, Stephen F. Cohen, who was a leading theorist of the rival “revisionist school,” had crossed paths with Brzezinski at Columbia in the 1960s. Cohen was critical of what saw as the “deterministic quality” of the scholarship produced by high profile members of the “totalitarian school” such as Brzezinski and Harvard’s Adam B. Ulam, who, like Brzezinski, was a Polish immigrant. ........more.......
we've been hearing rumors about these things and now colonel macgregor speaks about it;
BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower reveals massive and extremely dangerous Foreign Directed Energy Weapon US Government "cover up." Rapidly developing.. "It’s a Cover Up...It Should Be Terrifying for All Americans.".....more........
this is big and its bad. mexico is where corn originated and how it will be contaminated by monsanto which isn't in our interests for too many reasons to list here;
(The Last American Vagabond) On Friday, an international trade panel ruled in favor of the United States in their ongoing dispute with Mexico over an attempted ban on imports of American genetically modified (GM) corn.
The Mexican Department for the Economy said it disagreed with the ruling but would follow it. The Mexican government has been attempting to limit the introduction of GM corn to their country because they believe it poses an unreasonable risk to the domestic corn supply, and thus the health of the country’s numerous indigenous communities and farmers who depend on corn.
“The Mexican government does not agree with the panel’s finding, given that it considers that the measures in question are aligned with the principles of protecting public health and the rights of Indigenous communities,” Mexico’s Economy Department told the Associated Press. “Nonetheless, the Mexican government will respect the ruling.”
The U.S. government celebrated the decision. Ambassador Katherine Tai said the ruling “underscores the importance of science-based trade policies”.
The decision was the latest in an ongoing legal battle between the Mexican and American governments over Mexico’s previous calls for banning imports of U.S. GM corn for human consumption. In 2020, former Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced plans to ban GE corn for human consumption. This plan was later watered down, but the country did continue their fight against cross-pollination of their world-renowned corn seeds........more.........
an important man, elon, has an opinion for an important collapsing country;
Two weeks ago, Elon Musk stirred unusual hysteria about the prospects and future of German democracy by tweeting that “only the AfD can save Germany.” In the days since, Musk has repeated the sentiment, both because he believes it, but also because (one suspects) he likes to troll unreasonable ridiculous people. German bien-pensants can’t help but lose their minds every time Musk tweets anything positive about the AfD, and so Musk will probably never stop poking them by doing precisely this.
There are two reasons that they react in such absurd and self-defeating ways:
1) Musk’s tweets confront our political establishment with an outside view of the insane, benighted and insular politics they have imposed on the Federal Republic. This is very uncomfortable for elites who larp as adult, serious and farsighted people, while advancing some of the craziest policies the West has ever seen.
2) Our political establishment are correspondingly anxious that none of their subjects get wind of what people like Musk think about German political lunacy, lest these subjects awaken to the depressing fact that they are governed by crazy people with totally crazy ideas removed from all real-world considerations.
Some days ago, Musk submitted an editorial to Welt am Sonntag explaining his advocacy of the AfD at greater length. On the one hand, Welt editors surely felt compelled to print his newsworthy op-ed, not least because it looks like Mathias Döpfner, head of Axel Springer (which publishes Welt), solicited it . On the other hand, the prospect of printing Musk’s editorial inspired great anxiety among Welt staff, because nobody in legacy media is eager to let ordinary Germans in on the secret that many people outside of the Federal Republic find our entire political culture exceedingly stupid..........more.......
professor mearsheimer calls this essay the moral bankruptcy of the west;
on 19 December 2024, Human Rights Watch issued a 179-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
On 5 December 2024, Amnesty International issued a 296-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
On 21 November 2024, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity and war crimes.
On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
Given the West’s presumed commitment to human rights and especially to preventing genocide, one would have expected countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany, to have stopped the Israeli genocide in its tracks.
Instead, the governments in those three countries, especially the United States, have supported Israel’s unimaginable behavior in Gaza at every turn. Indeed, those three countries are complicit in this genocide.
Moreover, almost all of the many human rights advocates in those countries, and in the West more generally, have stayed silent while Israel executed its genocide. The mainstream media has made hardly any effort to expose and challenge what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Indeed some key outlets have staunchly supported Israel’s actions.
One wonders what people in the West who have either supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night.
History will not treat them kindly........
trump backs the speaker and i hope he's right;
President-elect Donald Trump gave "MAGA" Mike Johnson his "complete and total endorsement" on Monday in a bid to shut down a conservative revolt against his historically terrible speakership.......more........
pcr thinks the traditional roles were important and their disappearance a problem;
The Disappearance of the Male Role
Paul Craig Roberts
Over the course of my lifetime I have watched the role of men taken away. The role of the male as provider, defender, and disciplinarian is no more. It was destroyed by feminists.
To clarify “feminist”: In the past when I have criticized feminists older women who had careers asked why I thought women shouldn’t have careers. Their idea is that a feminist is a woman who has a career. But women have always had careers as mothers, homemakers, grandmothers, school teachers, nurses, secretaries, writers, artists, musicians, scientists, and even spies such as Eve Gordon who made during World War II 112 parachute jumps into occupied Europe. Even in pre-feminist days, one of my aunts despite being married had a career outside the home. She enjoyed the discipline of getting to work on time, the interaction with other people, and meeting new ones.
By feminist I mean a person with an ideological agenda of obliterating the difference between men and women. When I was young men were raised to respect women. When a woman entered a room, the men stood. Doors were opened for women and their entrance proceeded the man’s. Car doors were opened for women who were helped in and out. At the dining table men stood until the women were seated. In those days men still wore hats. A gentleman passing a lady on the sidewalk was expected to tip his hat in respect. A man who struck a woman or used a four-letter word in a lady’s presence suffered a ruined reputation........more.........
Monday, December 30, 2024
another monday kunstler adventure for you cattle boys;
"The Democrats are self-immolating on the altar of their own tenuous relationship with common decency." — Tom Luongo
It must be obvious that the incoming government under Mr. Trump has one primary duty overall: sorting out truth from lies so the nation can reestablish a baseline reality to function upon. America is so punch-drunk from official lying that many intelligent people who ought to know better now proclaim that reality is unknowable, which is just a surrender to nihilism — the rejection of moral principle, a belief that the human project is meaningless.
This awful condition has led to the point where you know for sure that “Joe Biden” cannot possibly discharge his duties as chief executive, and yet nobody cares enough to investigate who is running things behind the front he puts up. That would generally be the job of the news media, which is supposed to function as the public’s auditor. Now, of course, you are persuaded that this was never really their job, that it was a sham, but that is just another lie.
The news was not flawless, but neither was it presented as nothing more than opinion. The news existed to register what happened day-to-day. It was not so much concerned with why things happened, which was much more difficult to establish, and usually reserved for the pages labeled “opinion,” so that you knew it was somebody’s conjecture. I know this because I worked as a newspaper reporter in the 1970s. I actually found out what was going on about this-and-that, wrote it up, and saw it in print hours later. The facts...........more.....
another email from the friend who i've posted occasionally;
This is an excerpt from a writing that was sent to me by a friend. If this peeks your interest as to the machinations employed by the World Mafia to enslave the entire planet then you can type the following site into your browser:
I have talked about the Justinian Deception, a/k/a "Dog Latin", that is described in the Chicago Manual of Style [grammatical textbook for the banking industry which refers to it as "the language of the dead"] for many years. He goes into great detail as to the Vatican's role in this subterfuge. Very little is mentioned about the Vatican's junior partner, the Rothschild Banking Cabal but it is understandable once you start reading his account. Much of his account is not easily understood but I think that you will find enough to make you realize just how we have been purposely deluded all of our lives.
19: The DANGER of the Truth:
When you start looking for the truth, you will confront the reality of just how corrupt and dogged our system has become, you will be subject to brutal attacks from the serpent, because, you are the real beneficiary of Eden but the Quasi Counterfeit will not let go without a fight and probably a fight to the death. Beware of these loyal DOGS of the Justinian Deception, their rich life depends on your slavery and your lack of ability to see the Justinian Deception in full swing. The Kennedy kill, the 9/11 murder of thousands of people, the causing of World War in order to sell arms and run drugs, causing massive debt and hardship at the cost of your lives and the lives of our children for nothing more than profit for the people that cause the war in the first place, these people stop at nothing to keep hidden the deception they need in order to hold such corrupt power over the right to control the treasury of the people. You will be cast as a “Terrorist” or “Sovereign Citizen” being things that make no sense legally but will be tagged to you in order to discredit your stand for the truth. Your good will is their enemy, your quest for the truth undermines their fraud and their deception. This truly is a sad situation for good people and once you become aware of how utterly corrupt and dogged the system is, you then must live with such disturbing knowledge but not having the ability and might to correct it. To make a stand for what is right may lead to nothing but humiliation and even death. I myself have now been subject to threats against the well being of myself and my children, and I fear for our well being. This document is all I have left in order to explain the danger I have faced for the research undertaken in order to discover the Grammatical Crime employed by such counterfeit deceptive corporate administrative entities passing themselves off as true common law governments of the people.
It is the fraud in the beginning that renders such a fraud to the end, such all uppercase symbolic text is only “assumed” to be the “written” fact because we, living man, have become stupid and ignorant and dumbed down to the point where we can not ever read proper English, but not really, we have been indoctrinated, programed from the day we were born, birthed into a fraud and we have never known any better. Its only when we start to feel things are wrong within our natural bodies, within our hearts that some of us start to look deeper into what is causing so many people to wonder, what is wrong with our system. When you notice the rates bills, power bills, court bills, all state entities bills appear in the mail, they are not bills! they are “LEDGERS” they are not even domestic accounts, they are foreign accounts and its only when you claim such an account by opening such an envelope that “houses” such an account, you become the “claimant” of such a “foreign” ACCOUNT-LEDGER appearing within. Its only after you have claimed such an ACCOUNT appearing in the mail, does the ACCOUNT become your “bill”, why? because you agreed to “act” as the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” and why? because what you “assumed” to be your name or street, or town or your address, was in fact the foreign designation of a foreign assumed “ACCOUNT” and by your actions relating to you opening and claiming the mail, did you become the assumed “ACCOUNT HOLDER” of such an account. The ALL UPPERCASE TEXT was not even proper English! but you were never told. ACCOUNTS are things and things are rendered in the “SIGN” language, all uppercase text. The big question is who sent you the ACCOUNT? was it your true government? or was it a private quasi “foreign” corporate “Shadow” government that we know nothing about? … (Hidden in their Dogged Deceptive Language)
ACCOUNTING is the art (Art of cunning) of conferring debt titles upon the unsuspecting. The all uppercase text is just a legal title that renders you as the trustee of such a title. You must settle the debt if you have claimed “ownership-trusteeship” over such a debt ACCOUNT.
The greatest deception that people of today refuse to believe is that “THIS TYPE OF ALL UPPER CASE TEXT IS NOT ENGLISH“, and “This type of text is English“. The great difference is that “THIS ALL UPPER CASE SYMBOLIC TYPE OF TEXT” is totally foreign to the English language and has different grammatical rules to the English language and if you are not aware of such a difference between the grammatical differences between the two languages “English” and “Ancient Latin”, (American Sign Language, Re: Article 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles) and the difference between their different grammatical rules, you will fall for the deceptive trappings of the foreign accounts of ROME, CITY OF LONDON and the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, (All foreign corporate accounts)… You become the Citizen of Rome, the debtor trustee of the VATICAN, you are no longer the living man with common law rights, you are the dead legal fiction, ripe for plunder by the Emperors of Rome in order to rape and plunder its own Citizens. You are no longer a Townsmen or a Countrymen or Civilian, you are a foreign “citizen” being the trustee to Rome, the world debtor… The very word “city” is an abbreviation of the: “CITY OF LONDON” being the square mile in in the middle of London.
i see this as a exploration of the motherwefers, the schwabbies, and their efforts/results;
The West is undergoing a deliberate and systematic undermining of its cultural and legal foundations, replacing the rule of law with a revolutionary ideology.
Across the Western world, a growing number of people are beginning to sense that something is profoundly wrong with our societies and cultures. The cries of “hypocrisy,” “double standards,” and “two-tier policing” are becoming louder as citizens grapple with the contradictions between what they are told and what they see with their own eyes.
Yet, what if these explanations only scratch the surface? What if the events we are witnessing aren’t merely inconsistencies in enforcement or failures of leadership but the result of something far more deliberate and systematic? Failing to understand the true nature of these changes could leave us unable to address them effectively—at least not before the damage becomes irreversible.
To illustrate this, let’s consider an example that encapsulates these concerns. This time, from Canada:..........more.........
these are the dot heads we're importing. i'm told i'm patient beyond measure but i've never had a good experience with any dot head i worked for or had working for me. they live in a different world as is demonstrated by anyone who cares to visit india;
When I was a charge nurse at a Portland hospital, I was assigned a dot-indian to train as my assistant charge nurse. While assessing her skills and education during the interview I had her “college” grade transcript and noted that her education was only on par for an LPN nurse(1 year) not the 2 year nursing education required for an RN. The position required a BSN degree, but could be waived for extensive relevant experience and OJT training. She was 24 years old, not enough nursing experience. I found out nurses in india are not required to have a state board examination and licensing like you do here. I brought this up with the administration and was told to ignore and proceed with training her. Her skill level was just above a motivated and bright CNA… After a couple of months trying to train her to a a level she could help run a med unit I overheard her discussing with a couple of other foreign born nurses that she was being trained to eventually be a charge nurse of med/surg unit and that “white” nurses were going to be replaced.
All this time I had been carefully documenting this training, her and the other foreign nurses assessments and reviews and when I heard this bomb shell made an appointment with the hospital administrator and showed up with copies of all my documentation and my lawyer. I explained that I had already filed formal complaints with the five hospital accreditation agencies, the Oregon Health Authority and State Board of Nursing that the hospital was replacing highly skilled nurses with low wage scabs. That I would bring suit to halt this practice. I also informed all the staff on my unit and other units of the hospital’s plan, it didn’t go over well. After two months of tense negotiating and threatened walk outs by hospital staffing and getting the area doctors involved the hospital reversed itself and stopped hiring H1-B nurses. I was not retaliated against or threatened by firing, but they made it uncomfortable. I also had the dot-indian reassigned to the aide department and a couple of the other questionable foreign nurses quit because they knew they could not provide additional documentation to prove their competence and skills to continue at their jobs.
I borrowed this from Tactical Hermit. True Americans need to stand up and refuse service and shun these invaders. There are Americans that will do the job that “they” say we won’t. First you need to stop government support of lazy, fully capable adults and stop subsidizing them and college students. Student loans and grants were available when I was in college, I earned two masters degrees and paid for them myself, No, I didn’t fly to Bermuda or tour Europe and get drunk or high. I lived in a studio apartment, drove a 10 year old Toyota pickup and ate a lot of cheese sammichs.........more..........
caitlin speaks about our genocide;
It’s wrong to blame the Gaza genocide on Jews. It isn’t wrong because antisemitism is a major danger in our society (it’s not), nor because there’s a risk that people will start loading Jews onto trains again (there isn’t), nor because Jewish Israelis and their supporters are blameless (they obviously are not).
It’s wrong to blame this whole thing on Jews because it lets the rest of us off the hook.
This is our genocide. This is our crime. To blame it all on the Jews is to say that our society is perfectly fine and healthy and that none of this would be happening if not for the Machiavellian manipulations of a small Abrahamic religion. It’s to deny the reality that the middle east is on fire right now because of everything this perverse civilization is and always has been.
It is not a coincidence that the tendency to blame all society’s ills on the Jews is much more prevalent on the far right than anywhere else. Rightists are ideologically inhibited from seeing western civilization as a uniquely pernicious blight on this world, and from seeing capitalism and imperialism as the driving force behind the injustices and abuses it inflicts. If you have an ideological need to view all those things as fine and good, then you need to come up with some other explanation for why everything is shitty and evil. So they buy into this infantile narrative that western civilization would be just peachy if it weren’t for those darn Jews..........more........
there have been too many situations like this with the zionists;
On June 8th 1967, our greatest Ally Israel attacked the USS Liberty to drag the U.S. into their war with neighboring Arab states. Israel, CIA and Lyndon Johnson killed our own people then covered it up. Enjoy this 4 hour video, "Sacrificing Liberty", by the USS Liberty Veterans
Sunday, December 29, 2024
the creator calls this; you're never in more danger than when the police are around;
It might be that they just stand by and watch you burn to death.
It might be that they arrest you for trying to recover your home from a squatter and tell you to “try to see things from his perspective.”
It might be shooting 84 rounds at a perp, missing with 70 of them which hit various parts and pieces of the neighborhood businesses.
It might be that they beat you literally to death while laughing about it...........more.........
this massie/mtg move could be big if they're successful;
Republican Representatives Thomas Massie from Kentucky and Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene have urged the US Congress to disclose the names of lawmakers who have used taxpayer money to settle workplace disputes, including sexual harassment claims. Since 1997, over $17 million has been paid out for such cases.
In a post on X on Thursday, Massie highlighted the issue, stating that “Congress has secretly paid out more than $17 million of your money to quietly settle charges of harassment (sexual and other forms) in Congressional offices.” The lawmaker insisted that the names of the representatives involved must be released.
Taylor Greene supported Massie’s call, writing on X that she wishes to release the “congressional sexual slush fund list.” She emphasized that taxpayers should not have been responsible for these payments in the first place, or for “all the other garbage that they should not have to pay for.”
The Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR), established in 1995, oversees these settlements. Between 1997 and 2017, the OCWR disbursed over $17 million to resolve nearly 300 cases, covering issues like sexual harassment, discrimination, and pay disputes. The office does not disclose the identities of those involved in the settlements.............more......
ed dowd is speaking on greg hunter's interview and he always knows a lot. make sure to watch the video;
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of is back with more data on how the Biden Administration propped up a failing economy during the 2024 election year.
Dowd contends “crisis level spending” was being administered, along with some bigtime “fraud.”
Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?”
“The crisis was to get the Biden Administration (and Kamala) re-elected. So, they went on binge spending. They borrowed from the future to try to ensure they won.
They did it two ways: They hired massive amounts of government personnel to float the economy, and they also did illegal immigration.
We are thinking it was 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants that came in the last four years. The majority of the illegal immigrants came in the last two years. That stimulated the economy and raised the velocity of money as those people were given money. ............more.........
this guy takes nancy pelosi to the cleaners in this debate;
This guy was kicked out of Mumford & Sons for refusing the jab. Best thing that ever happened to him. He found his own voice......more....
we're at the start of the accusations that will decidedly run out of sight;
When I read the New York Post article proclaiming that President Trump supports the fraudulent system known as H1B visa hiring, I knew something was amiss because we previously looked at Trump’s various business hires and use of the visa process.
Apparently, the NY Post called President Trump to get him to weigh in on the controversial subject that has been triggered by Elon Musk saying he would “go to war on this issue” to maintain the H1B visa system -and subsequent foreign employment for tech skilled workers- his various companies depend upon.
Here’s the topline takeaway from the article that has triggered many:
(NY POST) President-elect Trump told The Post Saturday he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the roiling intra-MAGA debate on the issue.
“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. .........more.......