Sunday, September 30, 2018

 bill bonner has a curious way of expressing himself which i find interesting and pointed, so in this article you may be educated and entertained all at the same time;

Guest Post by Bill Bonner
GUALFIN, ARGENTINA – We arrive at the end of the week.
Yesterday morning, the yard crew were putting up a stake on the Capitol lawn and laying around it a supply of tinder.
It was to be a small fire… hot and slow.
Brett Kavanaugh was duly tied to the post with his eyes wide open… neither offering an apology nor appealing to God for redemption.

Strike the Match

The first match was struck when Christine Blasey Ford took the oath and began her “high-stakes testimony” to a panel of grave-looking senators, each pretending that the fate of the nation hung in the balance.
Ms. Ford played along, citing the “civic duty” that required her to tell what happened to her in a suburban bedroom 36 years ago.
Ms. Ford says Mr. Kavanaugh tried to ravish her. Mr. Kavanaugh denies it. Obviously, one of them is bearing false witness.
And the august committee, along with the entire nation, was invited to spend another 100 million hours of its most precious and most irreplaceable resource – time – guessing which.

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