may not be posting for some time. hurricane has power out to seventy five percent of the county and we're on the edge. doing this with limited time battery. see you when it all comes back.
i began this blogspot to save sending emails to all i suspected might need or want to review. avoid being a spammer. so consider these emails i thought you might find interest in. If the power elites didn’t need the consent of the public to rule, they wouldn’t have to lie constantly about their reasons for their wars on everyone. as gore vidal said: i'm not a conspiracy theorist, i'm a conspiracy observer.
ninety seconds of clarity;
If Kamala Harris gets into office, it will mean the media created her out of thin air and our nation will never be the
on jewish projection;
The Israeli fear of being thrown into the sea is a projection.
The Israelis are afraid of being pushed into the sea because they themselves pushed the Palestinians into the sea (picture above). The Israelis tend to attribute their own genocidal inclinations to Arabs (in particular) and Goyim (in general).
‘Jewish fear,’ as such, is self-inflicted — the more brutal the Israelis are, the more fearful they become of the possibility that the Palestinians may be equally murderous. Similarly, the more the Jew hates the ‘goy,’ the more the Jew is mortified by the possibility that the goy may also express some animosity in return.
Jewish fear better be grasped as a war against terror within. Jews are too often tormented and haunted by their own racism and supremacy which they attribute to others by means of projection.........more............
argentina's president has been on a busy streak since taking office and here he goes again;
Javier Milei has done incredible things for Argentina. He carried the nation out of socialism-induced poverty and has been warning the globalists that their vision for a socialistic society will not be successful. Milei delivered a powerful message at the United Nations General Assembly, warning against the catastrophic attempt to create a “socialist-style supranational government program.”
The United Nations is openly discussing how it will take sovereignty from all member nations. They believe that nations should give up sovereignty for anything they deem an emergency to push out their goal for the New World Order. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been aiding the UN in undermining individual national sovereignty under the premise that it is for utilitarian purposes.
These non-government, unelected entities are openly attempting to remove all human rights. These groups are backed by billionaire philanthropists like Bill Gates who are eager to start the next pandemic to use as an excuse to remove national authority. Milei said that the plans for power are promoting “a toxic relationship between global governance policies and international credit agencies,” saying that the most regulated countries will be forced to become “perpetual debtors” to “promote the global elite’s agenda.” They are attempting socialism on a worldwide scale where wealthy nations will be demonized. Part of Agenda 2030 clearly dictates that America can no longer be a superpower; in fact, no one nation can be a superpower, as all power will be held by the elite few.........more.......
caitlin has been thinking about our systems lately;
I saw a fascinating tweet by BloomTech CEO Austen Allred the other day that stirred up a lot of thoughts here.
“Of the Silicon Valley founders I know who went on some of the psychedelic self-discovery trips, almost 100% quit their jobs as CEO within a year,” Allred said, adding, “Could be random anecdotes, but be careful with that stuff.”
Allred tweeted this in response to writer Ashlee Vance sharing that he’d been told by a venture capitalist, “We’ve lost several really good founders to ayahuasca. They came back and just didn’t care about much anymore.”
There’s some very useful information in those words. They reveal a lot about the insane mess our species finds itself in in today’s world, and provide insight into how we might find our way out....more.........
the deep state is lining up behind the kamala which won't be good for the orange man;
Efforts to bolster the candidacy of Vice President Kamala Harris by the D.C. foreign policy establishment kicked into overdrive over the course of the past week with the near simultaneous release of two open letters signed by hundreds of former U.S. national security officials.
It is an accelerated version of previous campaigns in 2016 and 2020, where ex-officials and military officers on both sides of the aisle vocalizing major opposition to Trump offer to give national security cred to the Democratic candidate — in this case Harris. For their part, the candidate virtually ignores that many of these endorsements are in many cases coming from odious individuals, including architects of wars and interventions that Democrats have openly criticized as stains on recent American history.
The first was a letter signed by over 100 former Republican national security officials stating that while they, alumni of every Republican administration from Reagan to Trump, “expect to disagree with Kamala Harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues” they also “firmly oppose the election of Donald Trump.”
According to the former GOP officials, Trump’s “susceptibility to flattery and manipulation by Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, unusual affinity for other authoritarian leaders, contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior, and chaotic national security decision-making” render him a danger to U.S. national security interests.
Critics of course point out that many of these people are the same Washington creatures who got our country into endless foreign wars and profited from them for 20 years straight — and until this day support cruel, authoritarian dictators when convenient to U.S. policy. They are not wrong.
As a group, the signatories of the first letter are a very mixed bag. The missive does feature a few sensible, responsible pillars of the Washington establishment, including those of former defense secretary (and U.S. senator) Chuck Hagel, and former FBI and CIA director William Webster.
Yet for the most part, the letter carried with it the odor of the consensus minded War Party, if not 9/11-era neoconservatism. In the past this would have been a problem for traditionally liberal and progressive outlets, but Mother Jones and the New Republic were quick to applaud the letter as a “win” for the Harris campaign. Not surprisingly, only The Nation has called out their fellow liberals and progressives for making common cause with the likes of Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, both of whom have also endorsed Harris in recent days (except for columnist Joan Walsh, who found Liz Cheney's endorsement of Harris "strangely moving," writing, "Liz, I told you we could find common ground. Let’s have a cup of coffee. Or even a beer?".........more.......
deathbed confessions get more attention than your garden variety;
The Rothschilds have a habit of murdering presidents who don’t follow their orders.
“The bane of our civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming more so. I owe to my country an exposure of its dangers.” – Captain William Morgan, murdered Sept 11, 1826
(from June 16, 2008 & Feb 17, 2019)
A curious but very credible Internet document called “The Mardi Gras Secrets” states that Illuminati agents poisoned and killed Presidents William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) and Zachary Taylor (1784-1850). They also poisoned James Buchanan in 1857 but he survived. All three were obstructing Illuminati- House of Rothschild plans for the US Civil War (1860-1865).
The document also describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln (1865) and Senator Huey Long (1935). We know they also killed Presidents Garfield (1881), McKinley (1901) and Kennedy (1963) and probably Warren Harding (1923) and possibly FDR (1944).
The Mardi Gras Secrets website was created in Dec. 2005 by Mimi L. Eustis, the daughter of Samuel Todd Churchill, a high level member of the secret New Orleans Mardi Gras Society called “The Mystick Crewe of Comus.”
This Society, which reorganized the Mardi Gras festivities in 1857, was a chapter of the Skull and Bones. It began as a front for the activities of Masons Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin and John Slidell who became leaders of the Confederacy.
This information is based on Samuel Churchill’s deathbed confessions when he was dying of lung cancer. Mrs. Eustis later decided to make them public after she also contracted the terminal disease........more.....
rfk jr is on the move concerning our food system, and its way past time;
Y’all know I sit very close to Suspicious Cat when it comes to the motives and intents of Robert F Kennedy Jr. However, that said, I put aside those concerns to state unequivocally my support for this Make American Healthy Again (MAHA) message.
I never quite fully understood just how much our core food products had changed over the years until I started looking for familiar products in foreign countries and found them missing. This piqued my curiosity and a sideline research endeavor that confirms the core message in the video just released by RFK Jr.
Example: Seed oils are banned in Russia. You literally cannot find any food processed with flaxseed oil, canola oil or any other industrial seed oil. To understand the ramification, go to your pantry right now and look at the ingredient label. Put everything you find containing Canola oil (also used as a preservative in semi-fresh foods) on your counter, then realize all of those food products are considered toxic and not readily available outside the USA.
Additionally, multiple food dyes are banned in Europe, and it is absolutely stunning to compare the ingredient labels of the exact same products in nations outside the USA. Our domestic ingredient labels are exhaustive and filled with massive amounts of chemicals. The same product processed outside the USA has nowhere near the same amount of chemical ingredients; they just don’t allow it. The scale of this is a bizarre thing to realize.........more.......
this is certainly curious;
It’s likely Fani told Nathan she was going to say, “she dindunuffin’,” and he better disappear. Apparently, the U.S. Marshals are looking for Nathan Wade after he has refused to accept a subpoena for testimony.
ATLANTA — The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has now tapped the U.S. Marshals to help obtain testimony from former Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade.
They’ve taken the step after Wade failed to appear for an earlier scheduled hearing, according to a copy of a letter accompanying a subpoena obtained by 11Alive. Now, a committee spokesman said they’ve asked the Marshals service to serve Wade with a subpoena to testify.
[…] “Nathan Wade’s evasion of service is extremely unusual and will require the Committee to spend U.S. tax dollars to locate him.”
The subpoena, signed September 20, requests Wade’s testimony at a September 26 hearing in Washington, DC. Nathan Wade did not immediately respond to requests for comment........more......
i don't know but this certainly sounds plausible;
Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America
What you need to know to understand what’s happening and why. I suspect the “International Bankers” are controlling these people.
“The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.
They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.
Exposing them by name, their corruption and means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power is the first step in the restoration of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.
THE COUNCIL........more.......
pcr thinks the putin will soon raise the price of war;
Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine Update Sends Clear Warning to West
Paul Craig Roberts
Putin’s Inability to Think Strategically Has Brought the World to the Edge of Nuclear War
We are on the edge of nuclear war because of Washington’s aggression and Putin’s inability to think strategically. Despite Putin’s restrained conduct of the conflict, Ukraine is on the point of collapse and defeat. Yet Putin still pokes along as if it is unimportant when the war ends.
Here we see yet again a major failure in Putin’s strategic thinking. Putin thinks that it doesn’t matter whether Ukraine gives up the fight in one month, three months or six months. Russia will prevail, and that is all that matters.
Putin is completely wrong.
If Putin would go ahead and end the war, it would effect the US presidential election. The American people would understand that the Biden-Harris regime and presstitute media lied to them and that the war is a massive defeat for the US. By not pushing ahead and winning the conflict, Putin is protecting the Biden-Harris regime’s narrative of Russian defeat, thereby contributing to the Democrats’ chance of winning the election.
By helping Harris attain the White House, Putin is putting Russia in direct military conflict with US/NATO. Harris heads the war party, not Trump.
It is not a Russian victory for Putin to win in Donbas and find himself at war with US/NATO.
This week in Washington Zelensky, the Ukrainian dictator, is going to make his pitch that Ukraine is defeated unless NATO comes to his rescue. One way of doing that is for NATO officially to extend membership to Ukraine. The other way is for Washington to agree with the British Prime Minister and NATO General Secretary for the US and UK to fire from Ukrainian territory missiles into Russia. As Putin has said that means US/NATO is at war with Russia, the same is accomplished.
Putin was mistaken in letting a minor conflict continue so long that it has the world on the edge of nuclear war...........
pcr on the coming nuclear war;
Storm Shadow Missiles Are the Straw that breaks the Camel’s Back
Paul Craig Roberts
As I prepare for a hit from a major hurricane, the damage and inconvenience of which will be extraordinary, I can’t help but to see the hurricane as almost inconsequential in comparison to NATO’s response to the Russian government’s warning that NATO missiles fired into Russia will receive a military response that can include nuclear weapons.
Did Washington and NATO withdraw their threats to attack Russia with Storm Shadow missiles? No. The imbeciles announced war mobilization drills.
This is insanity.
Why are there no voices speaking against the West’s provocation of nuclear war?
How can anyone think protecting Ukraine’s artificial borders is worth the massive destruction of Europe and the United States?
Why are there not tens of millions of people in the streets in Europe, England, and the US?
This is a level of insouciance and denial of reality that stuns even me.
The Western world is already deep into collapse. War with Russia will complete the collapse of the Western world.
this is what the empire is gonna get if it keeps being stupid;
The continued Western provocation of Moscow via Ukraine will eventually force Vladimir Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons against Western targets, according to former Putin advisor and political analyst Sergei Markov.
In a recent interview with Times Radio (United Kingdom), Markov worried out loud about the endgame of all this tension and escalation as the West keeps on poking the bear despite repeated warnings that these provocations will not go unpunished.
"You want to target your rocket missiles to Russian cities, to kill our people, and you, Great Britain, are going to do it. And you think we will keep silent?" Markov said.
In the event that Ukraine uses Shadow Storm missiles inside Russia, Moscow will have no choice but to launch tactical nuclear weapons on NATO airfields in Ukraine, as well as on British territory.
"You want to have war? Go ahead," he added...........more.........
nyc. immigration. crime. cops. libruls. there is no good that can come from all of this, at least in the near term;
Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal justice system – at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.
Police sources shared with the New York Post the staggering estimate that 75 percent of people they've arrested in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is more than 60 percent, sources there estimate.
The problem is made much worse by sanctuary city laws that prohibit New York cops from working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on cases in which they believe suspects are in the country illegally. Additionally, the New York Police Department (NYPD) said it is barred from tracking the immigration status of offenders. This makes it almost impossible for authorities to get their arms around the problem, experts and sources on the ground say.
"New York City eliminated a tool to get rid of violent criminals. What a mess," Jim Quinn, a veteran former prosecutor at the Queens District Attorney's Office, told the news outlet. "The sanctuary city law is pathetic. It's disgusting. It's crazy."
Making matters worse, word has gotten out in the shelters about the city's lax bail guidelines – meaning migrants know they're going to get kicked back onto the street quickly after they're nabbed.
Jefferson Maldenado, a 31-year-old Ecuadorian migrant, has been arrested five times in NYC since arriving in the U.S. earlier this year. His latest bust was for stealing a pair of pants and a beer from the Target near Herald Square. Asked why he committed the crime, the migrant thief said, "I wanted to change my clothes and think. I wanted to sit down and think about my life, about what to do. Because this is not a normal world.".......more........
the putin ain't putting up with no more crap;
At a moment the West – especially the US and UK – are still mulling whether to allow Ukraine forces to attack Russian territory using NATO-provided long-range missiles, President Vladimir Putin has just issued a hugely significant statement regarding his country’s nuclear doctrine.
Putin on Wednesday very clearly lowered the threshold regarding Russian strategic forces’ use of nukes. He in a televised address to Russia’s Security Council said nuclear doctrine has been effectively revised in light of the “emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and our allies.” This is clearly in response to the latest series of escalated cross-border attacks from Ukraine deep into Russian territory. Some of these have threatened to hit Moscow.
He went on to describe that in the event Western powers assist another nation in a major attack on Russian soil, those same Western powers will also be held responsible. This can trigger Russian nuclear launch, according to the new doctrine. This lowers the bar for what can be considered an ‘existential threat’ against the Russian homeland and its population..........more.......
here's more info on the earlier post about blinken breaking the law to aid his fellow zionists;
ProPublica headlines:
The selected formulation is unfortunately not covering the real issue at hand.
U.S. law prohibits military aid to countries which are hindering U.S. humanitarian aid.
Two government entities subordinated to the State Department concluded, in writing, that Israel was blocking their humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.
The Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, reported to Congress the opposite conclusion because he intended to deliver more military aid to Gaza.
By misleading Congress on humanitarian aid to Gaza Blinken deliberated broke the law.
That should have been the headline:......more........
martin armstrong tells you how you'll be happy to have a digital id;
I do not see this ending well at all. It is one more ploy that will have society pleading for digital ID as the solution to this border crisis. They will pitch the idea that had we had digital ID, this crisis would never have taken place. Europe is already planning this same biometric-digital ID. You have hospitals wanting to scan your palm and Amazon saying you can buy with just your palm being scanned.
This immigration crisis is clearly twofold. The Democrats instigated it, just as I have said that I encountered when trying to negotiate with Australia on behalf of Hong Kong. They are in a declining bear market, making lower highs and lower lows. They will collapse just as the Federalists did because they preach a big centralized government that always fails.......more.........
caitlin knows that the empire is a war mongering critter but not all of its citizens know that;
On Tuesday the dementia-addled meat puppet who is still officially the President of the United States told the UN that he is working to bring a “greater measure of peace and stability to the middle east,” even as the US government pumps weapons into Israel so that it can continue its bloody massacres in Lebanon and Gaza.
On Wednesday Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told the press that “we don’t want to see this escalate” in Lebanon and that the US is working to “avoid a regional war”.
Only an idiot would believe these claims. They are self-evidently false. Nobody who seeks peace finds themselves in a constant state of war. This is true of Israel, and it is true of the US-centralized empire as a whole.........more.........
its interesting to watch a librul in search of their expectations;
MSNBC recently decided to do an election focus group with union workers in Michigan. Things fell apart quickly.
You could tell that host Alex Wagner was trying very hard to goad the members of the group to badmouth Trump or say that they’re supporting Harris but none of that came to pass.
At one point, Wagner even brought up January 6th, as if that might be a sticking point for some of these voters but no one cared about it at all. These people are concerned about the economy and illegal immigration, key issues for Trump.
Twitchy reported:
Democrats and media aren’t thrilled with the trajectory of where rank and file union support has been headed, so MSNBC sent somebody to talk to union workers in Michigan, a state Kamala Harris needs to win in November.
As the interviewer discovered, regular working Americans don’t care about the narratives the Left has been trying to push on people, and they’re not falling for all the gaslighting…
The Harris campaign is trying to pretend Kamala is some sort of newcomer who will “fix” everything and a lot of people just aren’t falling for that.
Check out the videos below:......more.......
the price of open borders keeps on appearing and won't improve as things stand now;
Take no comfort in the fact that they voted for this.
After all, the narcissistic liberal elites who parade their moral virtue by declaring themselves in favor of sanctuary cities remain least likely to suffer the horrific consequences of the open-border policies they favor.
According to multiple reports from Fox News journalists, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Boston office recently announced that its agents have arrested a number of illegal immigrants accused of sexual assault or rape in the upscale liberal enclaves of Massachusetts, including an alarming number of alleged crimes committed against adult residents and children in Nantucket.
Tuesday, on the social media platform X, Fox’s Bill Melugin reported that ICE had made four such arrests.
The alleged assailants included illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Brazil, both accused of “sexually assaulting a Nantucket resident.”
Two other alleged assailants, both from El Salvador, stand accused of raping a Nantucket child. In fact, one of the two suspects, Elmer Sola, faces three counts of aggravated child rape.
All four suspects entered the U.S. as gotaways. That is, they “successfully evaded apprehension & snuck into the U.S. during the Biden administration” and then found their way to the sanctuary state of Massachusetts, per Melugin.
The Fox correspondent also reported that all four, maddeningly, “were released from local custody despite the serious charges.”.......more.........
israel isn't our friend, and in fact, no ones friend;
Israel is neither a friend nor ally of the United States. Israel looks out for Israel 100 percent of the time and really doesn’t care what happens to anyone else. Americans have been brainwashed into believing that Israel is “our pit-bull in the Middle East” who keeps the natives in line. But this simply isn’t true. Israel’s activities in the region undermine US interests and inflict severe damage to America’s public image. Here’s how foreign policy expert John Mearsheimer summed it up:
Israel is a strategic albatross around our neck. It’s a liability. Let me just point out, the US doesn’t just give Israel lots of weapons and lots of money. It gives it unconditionally. This is truly remarkable. We don’t treat Israel like a normal country and help it because it’s to our benefit strategically. But that’s not what’s going on here. The US does what it does because of the Lobby. (AIPAC) The United States has a political system that’s set up in ways that allow interest groups to have great influence. Well, the Israel lobby is one of the most, if not, the most powerful lobby in the US. And the lobby goes to enormous lengths to make sure that American foreign policy supports Israel unconditionally. And, it is wildly successful. It’s truly impressive at how good the lobby is at getting US foreign policymakers to support Israel hook, line and sinker. PalMedia@PalBint........more.........
the fbi and by extension, our government, this warning applies to all of us aren't our friends;
FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote, Arm Yourself, Stock up 3-4 Months Supply of Food and Water, and Pray
“This is a warning, to the American people I say.. I personally have no confidence the FBI will reign in its own conduct.”
•Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist choked up as he spoke about his years of suffering for lawfully expressing dissent for the actions of the FBI & DOJ..
• higher-ups “accused him of promoting conspiratorial views and unreliable information” for questioning how many FEDS were present at J6........more.......
larry johnson tells you its a curious thing to behold. the empire waves its war tools to intimidate and discovers a few missing parts;
Competition among the various US military services is heating up in the category, “Which service is the most fucked up?” Is it the US Army, who can only meet recruitment goals by lowering the number of desired recruits? Or is it the Air Force, which has admitted that only 29% of the F-35s are combat ready? Or is it the US Navy? Sorry to my maritime buddies, but it looks like the Navy is pulling ahead in this category.
The latest Navy debacle occurred in the Persian Gulf. The USNS Big Horn ran aground and damaged its rudder and partially flooded the engine compartment. It is out of commission, anchored off the coast of Oman. The Big Horn is an “Oiler.” It is essentially a floating gas station whose mission is to provide fuel and provisions to the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Why does a nuclear-powered ship need gas and oil? Because the planes that fly from the deck of the carrier have to be refueled. They are not powered by a nuclear reactor.
Big Horn, the twelfth ship of the Henry J. Kaiser class, was laid down at Avondale Shipyard, Inc., at New Orleans, Louisiana, on 9 October 1989 and launched on 2 February 1991. She entered non-commissioned U.S. Navy service under the control of the Military Sealift Command with a primarily civilian crew on 21 May 1992. She serves in the United States Atlantic Fleet.
Here is where it gets interesting. The US Navy does not have any spare oilers floating about that can replace the Big Horn. This means that if the carrier task force it is currently assigned to refuel gets into a fight, the planes on board that carrier will run out of gas and be useless. Sal Mercoglian provides a great review of the situation (posted below)........more......
the not ready for prime time pentagon delivers one more time, or not;
US Navy oiler USNS Big Horn ran aground yesterday, leaving the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Group without it’s primary fuel source. The Navy doesn’t have a spare oiler to deploy and is now scrambling to find a commercial tanker.
Karl Denninger comments on the naval foul-up:
We have only one oiler — vessels that carry fuel for things like, oh, aircraft — available where that ship is. ONE, and it just went hard aground and apparently, from that video, ripped up the rudder post mount quite nicely, shearing off several bolts.
How much damage was done to the underwater gear? I don’t think anyone knows yet but it clearly is leaking so the answer isn’t “none.” Whether that damage impacts its mobility (e.g. rudder jammed or the screw damaged) is an open question, but its not going anywhere while hard aground — that much I can assure you.
How “capable” is our allegedly “great” military of doing its job right now? You know, actual fighting in a lethal combat situation where the other side can shoot back?
How many of our “officers” running said vessels and other assets are not competent to do the job under pressure when they ground ships (or, as we’ve previously seen, run them into other vessels) when nobody is shooting at them?
How many of said “officers” were promoted because of their blue hair, what they have between their legs and/or pronouns rather than because they were the person who was most competent to take that command irrespective of any of that horseshit?
You better pray we don’t find out the hard way; not only may thousands of our troops die but you may glow in the dark...........more.......
jake reveals his true nature;
Jake Tapper, an anchor with CNN, asserted on Thursday that Hamas “murdered thousands of civilians” on 7 October.
This is a lie.
In fact, contradicting Tapper’s propaganda, approximately 1,200 Israelis were killed that day, over 300 of them soldiers and police officers, as The New York Times noted in a correction I suggested to the newspaper of record last year.
Some Israelis were even killed by the Israeli military that day, though CNN anchor Erin Burnett shockingly failed to ask eyewitness Yasmin Porat about this reality or, if she did, failed to include that segment in her report.
CNN, in contrast to The New York Times, never corrected any of the lies about casualties from anchor Dana Bash I pointed out to them.
Abby Phillip interviewed an Israeli settler from the West Bank whose mother was killed on 7 October. That settler, Betzalel Taljah, declared war on Palestinian civilians during his interview with Phillip.
Neither Phillip nor Wolf Blitzer, who interviewed Taljah two days later, followed up with a question about the ethics and legality of a war on civilians. Taljah later expressed genocidal views regarding Gaza on Facebook........more......
so many public officials aren't obeying the letter or spirit of many of our laws;
Secretary of State Antony Blinken buried two government assessments finding that Israel was deliberately blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza in order to keep weapons flowing to the Jewish state in violation of US law.
The U.S. government's two foremost authorities on humanitarian assistance concluded this spring that Israel had deliberately blocked deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza.
The U.S. Agency for International Development delivered its assessment to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the State Department's refugees bureau made its stance known to top diplomats in late April. Their conclusion was explosive because U.S. law requires the government to cut off weapons shipments to countries that prevent the delivery of U.S.-backed humanitarian aid. Israel has been largely dependent on American bombs and other weapons in Gaza since Hamas' Oct. 7 attacks.
But Blinken and the administration of President Joe Biden did not accept either finding. Days later, on May 10, Blinken delivered a carefully worded statement to Congress that said, "We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance."......more......
pcr tells you about some potentially nuclear times;
This Week the Most Momentous Decision of Our Time Will Be Made
Paul Craig Roberts
With the US government–State Department, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Justice (sic)–in the hands of Zionist Jews, only the Pentagon speaks for Americans. So far the Pentagon has refused to approve the firing of missiles into Russia.
Zelensky whose “democratic” credentials are shattered by him continuing in office without reelection after his term has expired, is coming to Washington this week to plead with the White House for missile strikes into Russia.
Will the Pentagon be present at the meeting? If so, has the officer ranks been so purged and depleted by wokeism that it cannot take a firm stand?
Putin has stated that missiles fired into Russia means the US and Europe are at war with Russia.
Are Americans aware that this momentous decision is being made this week, and if not, then the following week? The British Prime Minister has already agreed. The sole holdout is the Pentagon.
Likely, the impending Florida hurricane will divert the news from this momentous decision.
We could simultaneously be presented with the outbreak of war in the Middle East. Israel, having eliminated many of the leaders of Hezbollah, is intensifying its strikes on Lebanon, which is more or less under Iran’s protection. According to reports, the US 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Israel. If the reports are correct, it appears that the US is prepared to enter the war on Israel’s side. Putin has indicated that Iran is under Russia’s protection..
We are very close to nuclear Armageddon. And insouciance rules while Zionists take us to war and destruction.........
the next few months could be real squirrely;
"This is, in my opinion, absolutely urgent," he adds:
"People’s fancy rationales for staying on the couch and not voting because they don’t think their vote counts. This is no time for that...
This is no time for what I have done in past elections, which is, you know, to vote my conscience and vote for people that I knew would not be elected.
There is a time and a place for that. I do not believe this is the time and the place.
This is the moment at which we have to defeat whatever that force is that has taken over our system and targeted all of our rights."
Weinstein points out that "we are in a better position than Europeans are because our constitution is better thought out."
"We are kind of last on the list from the point of view of the degradation of our rights...
This is the moment to realize that whatever our ideological differences may be, are completely unimportant if we lose the republic, right?
If we are to fight about the differences between what conservatives and liberals see, it has to be after the republic has been put back on a course with a future to it.”
Watch the full clip below:.........more.....