Sunday, September 16, 2018

you may have noticed i post just about everything i find from this blog, though the list is long for me to begin to create so i think if you like his stuff as i do, go to his site and explore. in this two year old post i just found there are too many things for me to begin to speak of. i've just begun the video which appears to be just short of an hour long. many of those who can see are wondering when the collapse will occur, so here is more evidence towards that end;

Kirby thinks assassinating Trump is more likely than World War III.
Rob Kirby has made another video in a series. The first part of that series is below the video. It concerns an American secret Treasury Department slush fund where the CIA stashes its profits from the heroin market. The title of this video says as Mr Kirby implies that the New World Order crowd is about to fail miserably. It is well worth the effort to watch this video.

A month ago two billionaires began a public dialogue that can enlighten us all about the Dark Corners of the American government. It began earlier this month when Hugo Salinas Price noticed that the reserves of Central Banks around the world had declined by a trillion dollars. Central Banks had dumped a trillion dollars in US government bonds in the 17 months ending January 8, 2016. Normally that kind of fire sale of assets would have taken down the US and global economies.
Another billionaire had an answer. Rob Kirby said the US Exchange Stabilization Fund bought that trillion dollars in bonds. The Exchange Stabilization Fund was created in 1934. It is above the law and any Congressional oversight. The CIA has been subject to Congressional investigation but never the ESF. It was initially funded when FDR asked Americans to turn in their gold coins that were valued at $20.67 per ounce. The dollar was devalued to $35 which gave the ESF a paper profit of $2.8 billion. The Treasury Secretary appointed a manger for the ESF. The first man to run the ESF was Harry Dexter White who worked closely with Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. Soviet documents proved that White was a Soviet spy. White served on 18 government boards including the one that ran OSS Black Ops financing. He sent $50 million to China in 1940 to fund the war against Japan.
White also helped create the IMF and the World Bank. He won the battle with John Maynard Keynes to make the US Dollar the world’s reserve currency at Bretton Woods in 1944. This had severe ramifications for the Dollar and later might have became one of the reasons why President Kennedy was assassinated.

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