Wednesday, September 19, 2018

recently while in a conversation about the chemtrails i saw i was mocked by the person i was speaking with for saying they were there and a problem. here you can see its officially acknowledged;

On June 29, 2016 CIA Director John Brennan delivered a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in which he clearly confesses in plain English to the use of geoengineering around the globe. He touts the benefits of spraying aerosol particles in the atmosphere to allegedly reflect sunlight. He then finishes by stating that this technology could cause countries to rise up and oppose one another. This is an admission that they have technology that can manipulate the weather, and even use it as a weapon.
Furthermore, it is TNN’s contention that this method is used for behavior modification on human populations. It creates a listless, lower reactive mind to fog the ability to tell the difference between real and unreal. This is constantly tested in real time via the hoaxes.
These empty suits are out-of-control transhumanists trying to play God and with nature. With this admission, the disingenuous “conspiracy theorist” debunking of the chemtrail evidence is looking more and more dicey and suspect. Who is wearing the tin foil hat now, suckers?

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