Sunday, September 8, 2024


"If a government cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the elections by which they claim authority over the people, then the people are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's dictates nor to pay its bills nor to send their children to die in that government's wars, and may with full moral justification resist with lethal force efforts to coerce said dictatorship, looting, and conscription." -- Michael Rivero

 caitlin was asked why someone should care about gaza;

The other day someone on Twitter asked me why he should care about what’s happening in Gaza, saying, “Why should I care about anyone that isn’t in a 20 mile radius of where I live?”

I was a bit taken aback by this. I must confess I live in a bit of an echo chamber when it comes to caring about the world; most people I interact with from day to day either agree with me or disagree with me about the abusive nature of the empire and what our problems are and what should be done about them, but the one thing they all have in common is that they care. Outside my little bubble I suspect this “why should I care?” sentiment is probably pretty common, though.

There’s a 2017 Huffington Post article by Kayla Chadwick titled “I Don’t Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People” which expresses frustration at this type of attitude, because it is very difficult to argue against. If you’re not already the sort of person who would naturally care about the death and suffering in Gaza, it’s going to be hard to get you to see why you should. If you’re missing the part of yourself which hurts when it sees children ripped apart by Israeli bombs, you’re going to have a hard time understanding the value of that part.

But I like a challenge. So I’ve had a bit of a think about it, and I’ve come up with the most honest and complete answer to this question that I am able to produce right now. It might not convince anyone, but it is a well-reasoned answer.

Why should you care about Gaza? Because we can’t keep living like this. Our species cannot continue living on this planet as though what happens to other people and other organisms around the world has nothing to do with us. We don’t live in that kind of world anymore.

For better or for worse, we now live on a planet with eight billion humans who are no longer separated by distance in the way we used to be. This species which spent so much of its development relating to itself in units of small tribes is now an intimately networked global community whose behavior is literally altering the face of this planet, and we need to start acting like it. We need to start doing what Einstein called “widening our circle of compassion” beyond our small tribal units of people we personally know and like, or we simply won’t be able to survive and thrive on this planet.........more.......

 james brown in rome in1971. i once saw him with twenty seven others on stage. he certainly put a show on;


 consider this batman, and then explain it sose all the kids will understand;

 911 was an inside job and oswald didn't kill jfk and there are many more but here you learn some realities about 911;

Editor’s Note: In light of the coming anniversary of the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks perpetrated by the U.S. Intelligence Community & U.S Armed Forces, C.I.A & MOSSAD, among other major organs within the US government as well as foreign state actors, the following exposé is being posted—AGAIN.

This highly authoritative breakdown of what was actually a complex international conspiratorial criminal plot of the highest order proves, unequivocally, that 9/11 was an “inside job”.

Should any investigator doubt this obvious conclusion, the following links provide even more indisputable evidence of the quite amateur “inside job”.  In other words, the perps really didn’t care if anyone found out who pulled it off or how they really did it.  They just didn’t care so controlled would the massive cover-up be, so they thought.


Massive Download In Progress

9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against the
US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators

N.B. What follows is the gold standard regarding irrefutable proof confirming that 9/11 was a patently inside job..............more..........

 protect and serve;

Salt Lake City, UT – Last September, Agnes Martinez was looking for a place she and her dog could sleep for the night. Houseless at the time, she parked her car in a commercial area south of downtown Salt Lake City. Soon after, she was confronted by two Salt Lake City Police officers in an encounter that would end with the loss of her left leg.

Now, Martinez is suing the two officers — Paul Mullenax and Lane Wolfenbarger — for using excessive force during an arrest that left her with a debilitating injury, violating her Fourth Amendment rights. What’s more, her lawsuit claims that the Salt Lake City Police Department (SLCPD) is using excessively violent take downs for nonviolent offenders and training its officers to disregard people’s civil rights.

Martinez, at 5 feet 2 inches tall and 57 years old, hadn’t been parked for long on the night of September 1, 2023 when SLCPD officers Wolfenbarger and Mullenax approached her vehicle during what they called a “proactive patrol,” according to the complaint in a civil suit filed in July in US District Court.........more.......

 zionists don't understand irony or they'd be acting differently than they are here in a full display of irony as they do to her what she says they do;

The Zionist lobby is really angry at Candace Owens for continuing to stand her ground in opposing Israel’s war actions in the Gaza Strip.

For daring to speak out against the Zionist agenda, Owens says she was added to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) “hit list.”

“They personally emailed reporters at major publications with a long set of smears about me – plus provided these reporters with a list of my show advertisers,” Owens tweeted in a thread about the persecution she faces.

Owens says the Zionists are also contacting her advertisers in what she says can only be described as “the behavior of a mafia.”

“This mafia has used a network of smears to try to get me banned from [YouTube], providing a public step-by-step guide for how to mass report my account,” she explains.

“This mafia is also targeting my speaking events by mass spamming my hosts via emails with threats. Incredibly, they are even using their contacts in government to try to get me banned from travel.”

(Related: In case you missed it, Candace Owens was sacked from The Daily Wire after Zionist Ben Shapiro took aim at her for sharing words of peace from Jesus on X instead of supporting Israel and its war on Gaza.)..............more.........