Saturday, February 15, 2025

 it seems that we have been a sugar daddy with out realizing it;

You might want to watch this brief video a few times, once with the sound low or off and pay attention to the body language of the participants as the remarks to the media are delivered.  Vice-President Vance opens the remarks followed by President Zelenskyy, then back to JD Vance.

Marco Rubio is stone cold focused (perf). JD Vance is personable and pragmatic.  Zelenskyy is deferring and at the very end the Ukrainian officials exhibit the attitude they are known for within Eastern Europe. Perhaps Americans don’t know because Western media hide it, but the scope of corruption within the Ukrainian government is so well known, most Eastern Europeans view current Ukranian govt officials as mere financial beneficiaries to the indulgences of war. ...........more........

 i have no doubts that this is so;

Israel is planning to attack Iran's nuclear sites and "lure" President Trump into the war, according to an analysis piece from the Israeli outlet Haaretz.

From Haaretz, "Netanyahu Plans to Attack Iran and Is Plotting to Lure Trump Into the War":

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has discussed with Trump several possible levels of American backing, ranging from active military support for a kinetic strike – such as intelligence, refueling or other assistance – to more limited political backing for a coercive ultimatum," David Ignatius wrote in The Washington Post on Thursday. He noted the paper's report the previous day: U.S. military intelligence assessed in January that, absent an agreement, Israel would probably strike Iran's nuclear facilities, most likely the Fordow enrichment plant, in the first half of 2025.

Israel lacks "bunker buster" bombs and the capacity to mount a sustained air attack that would destroy Iran's entire nuclear program. That would take the GBU-57A/B MOP, the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a 14,000-kilogram (31,000-pound) monster that needs a B-2 bomber...........more.........

Friday, February 14, 2025

 the kunstler monday presented in almost musical prose centered on the shit show we've been watching unfold courtesy of the trump who now seems a force of nature, almost as if doing speed;

“The nature of the NGO scams is to have a cause that sounds philanthropic, like ‘Save the Orphans of Sadville’ and then they pocket the money and zero actual orphans are helped.” — Elon Musk

The exorcism of the USA just keeps revving up. You can tell by the number of revolutions-per-minute Elizabeth Warren’s head spins while she spews pea soup at the cameras. Who knew what a demon-infested slough USA Management Central was? And yes, I would like some insight as to how humble civil servants like Liz Warren accrue a $12-million fortune . . . and $30-million for Samantha Power (ex-USAID-chief) . . . and more than a $150-million for Nancy Pelosi. Could it be as simple as just good stock-picking? (Is that how they spend their time?)

You have reason to suspect that what goes on in Washington DC is the greatest racketeering operation ever run on God’s green earth. “A threat to our democracy!” the Party of Chaos spouted incessantly during the election campaign in re: Donald J. Trump. “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” The Washington Post still declares on its name-plate. Yet, who exactly kept the lights off the past four years? Who scrambled the brains of the nation’s management and thinking classes? Who made mental illness aspirational?

You begin to detect that by “our democracy” they actually meant “our everlasting grift.” And it didn’t die darkness — it thrived, grew, and spread in the moist bureaucratic darkness like the Devil’s own slime mold. And now it is being revealed, to the astonished disgust of slightly more than half the nation that was not on-the-take. Turn over a log in the woods and you have the metaphor for “our democracy.” Countless hundred-footed things slither around under it, their feeding interrupted . . .......more...........

 eight minutes with the shawn ryan show telling you how it all works;


 a list of usaid projects you paid for;

  • $45 million to diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships in Burma. The DOGE reported that seven “DEI-related” USAID contracts valued at $375 million were canceled.
  • $1.5 million “to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities, by promoting economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people.” The program aimed to “expand opportunities” and “reduce[] workplace discrimination.”
  • $1.5 million to “art for inclusion of people with disabilities.
  • $19 million for two separate “inclusion” programs in Vietnam.
  • $1.3 million to “provide Arab and Jewish [Israeli] residents … with a collaborative platform, photography skills.” The program offered participants “mixed identity photography workshops.”
  • $2 million for “activity to strengthen trans-led organizations to deliver gender-affirming health care” in Guatemala.
  • $37.7 million to study HIV among “sex workers (SWS), their clients, and transgender (TG) people” in South Africa.
  • $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists about “gender-sensitive reporting.
  • $1.1 million to “empower the LGBTI community” and “protect them from violence and discrimination” in Armenia.
  • $1.5 million to “upscale LGBT rights advocacy” in Jamaica.
  • $520 million for consultant-driven environmental, social, and governance investments in Africa, according to the DOGE.........more..........

 this is certainly an odd thing we might want to know more about;


 where did this money come from;
