this person always has good insights and information. seems every post i see on this blog i post here on mine. if you disagree, begin by asking the questions he raises, even if you don't immediately see them as questions;
The alternative title is: Just how crazy is this self-appointed Jewish leadership?
I once said that Jewish leaders are not elected. They select
themselves based upon their ability to recruit men willing to kill from
their Banking Day Jobs which would include laundering illegal weapons
and drugs money (a trillion dollars a year) and political bribes (500
billion dollars a year.)
Jewish leadership rose from corruption and requires the same as cover.
The Talmud told Jewish people that it is legal to rob the Gentiles as soon as we get control of their government.
Proof that the Jews own the American government abounds. On 9-10-2001
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told CBS News that he could not
account for $2.3 trillion in Department of Defense spending. Dr Mark
Skidmore found that $21 trillion in undocumented adjustments had to be
made to HUD (Housing and Urban Development) and DOD (Department of
Defense) budgets from 1998 to 2015. $21 trillion is a lot of money to
just go Missing.
But all that Missing Money does not phase our Jewish owned media. Not
a word from them about robbing Gentiles by the tens of trillions.
Plenty of words about the need to censor those uncouth loud mouths who
say bad things about the people who think they own the government.
People who were not alive before 1963 do not know how far American
society has fallen. There was a time when white children were safe from
the drug culture and did not need metal detectors in the schools.
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