“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most
completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no
longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and
the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of
small groups of dominant men.” Woodrow
We’re secretly one of the most peaceful cultures on the
planet. We voted for Bush, because he promised us a non-interventionist foreign
policy. Obama promised to bring the troops home from the Bush wars. Trump
promised to end foreign adventures. We’ve been voting for peace for 30 years,
and all we get is war. American democracy doesn’t care what you want and is
never accountable. The deep state always
gets its way. So when ‘our’ government wants a war, you can bet that we’re
going to war.
‘Our’ politicians talk about ‘our’ wars as if it was some
kind of game because it costs them nothing. Consequences that apply to the
‘little people’ in the Empire don’t apply to ‘our leaders’. Ambassador Chas
Freeman said; “America has now chosen publicly to redefine itself
internationally as the foreign relations equivalent of a sociopath; a country
indifferent to the rules, the consequences for others of its ignoring them, and
the reliability of its word. No nation can now comfortably entrust its
prosperity or security to Washington, no matter how militarily powerful it
perceives America to be.”
America publicly destroyed its fictional reputation as a
defender of freedom and democracy. Americans have been lied to for so long that
we cope with the absurdities presented to us by not caring, which only empowers
the gangsters more. International law applies to every country except Israel
and America. As disgusting as that is, it’s made even worse by the bold
references to exceptionalism and the repetitious chants about ‘our’
wild-fantasy that the Empire is protecting the world from terrorism, protecting
human rights, peace and justice. That clear fabrication shows the
bankrupt soul of the members/supporters of the Deep State.
The war on terrorism has been increasing terrorism for
years. What would you do if your family was attacked? ‘Our’ government has no
idea who most of the people that it murders with drones are. The war makers say
they serve a grander purpose; sometimes it’s law and order, other times
spreading democracy, other times weapons elimination, other times simply
“So you’re on the side of the criminals, you must love ISIS,
or Putin”; is the common childish reply when questioning ‘our’ wars. Even peace
groups have fallen for the “pick a side” routine on Syria. The Pentagon claims
to favor peace.
The Empire and the ‘homegrown’
death squads we’ve created have murdered millions of men, women, and children around
the world. We’ve bombed and invaded a
long list of countries that posed no threat to us to advance the interests of
the corporations that own ‘our’ government, and their ongoing quest for global
hegemony. ‘Good’ Americans support the
removal of government leaders the TV tells them are bad guys. WWJS/D
a lot of these bad guys, in addition to being hideously evil, have been at the
time of their removal, interfering with the vital interests of the corporations
that own ‘our’ government.
Russian TV covered
1,000,000 Yemenis protesting American/Saudi’s Bombs. American TV covered 8,000
Russians protesting Putin’s government. If they’re both propaganda, then which
was more honest news that was worth covering? Neither the New York Times
nor the Washington Post reported the million Yemenis. Both reported widely 8,000 demonstrating in Moscow led
by someone who polls less than 1% in Russia as their great and groundless hope
to replace Putin.
There’s certainly a reason for making the Russian molehill
seem like a major political event, and there’s a propaganda reason for those
million Yemenis not being seen
by ‘consumers’ in ‘our free press’ non-coverage
of the million people in Yemen which told the American and Saudi governments,
“stop bombing and starving us.”
America raises ‘humanitarian virtues’ to chase imperial and
financial interests, and mysteriously fails to see these virtues when their appeal
would hurt imperial financial interests. Hypocrisy, one of the main ingredients
of the Empire’s culture, is why we hear about human rights in Iran and North
Korea, and nothing about human rights in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, and
Colombia to give a few examples of major human rights-violating regimes that
are heavily supported and assisted by the Empire.
We’re told ‘consumers’ should “look backwards” regarding
Syrian human rights violations, but shouldn’t look backwards at these same
violations when ‘our’ government is involved. ‘Consumers’ should also abstain
from looking backwards at American war crimes wherever we intrude, particularly
those ordering the war crimes.
Other nations are accomplices with America and Israel in
regard to so many flagrant violations of the Geneva Accords, UN Resolutions and
International Law. How many wars of aggression/regime change have been instigated
by America, Israel and the UK with the participation and support of countries
like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan? The good old boys club commits
the crimes it accuses those it attacks of doing, and worse, all the while granting
themselves immunity.
‘Our’ government says its criminal unprovoked attacks on
Syria are to show the violation of ‘international norms’ will no longer be
tolerated. Washington and Israel are the
greatest violators of ‘international norms’ in modern history. We bomb people
to save them.
As Bush launched the War on Terror administration officials
remained obsessed with memories of Vietnam. They wanted wars in which
there would be no prying journalists, no body counts, or body bags heading home
to provide truth fueling protesting citizens. There were only two roles
available for the American public. The first was, in W’s: “go down to
Disney World in Florida, take your families, and enjoy life”: go
shopping. The second was to eternally thank and praise America’s
“warriors” for their deeds and efforts. The wars were to be in distant lands
that wouldn’t disturb American life: another fantasy.
America is an unpredictable psychopathic monster that can
only be handled by creating defensive deterrence to irrational attacks.
Gaddafi didn’t have a bayonet experience until he gave up his WMDs.
America is and has been rampaging around the world attacking any who deviate
from its catechism. Without the continuing cooperation of America’s ‘news’ media
in our serial crimes, we wouldn’t be heading toward World War III.
Kim Jong-Un fired an
ICBM that might be able to hit Alaska. We’re supposed to believe that he’s
going wake up one day and decide to bomb Anchorage, knowing that if he did so
his country would be radioactive ash within minutes. I remember yellow cake and
aluminum tubes, the Axis of Evil, Saddam, cross-dressing Panamanian dictators,
Gadhafi in his tent, ayatollahs, Russian commies, Chinese commies, mullahs,
Cubans, Sandinistas, Grenada, Panama, Somali pirates, bird flu, anthrax and
lions and tigers and bears, oh my. We’re supposed to think that we’re always
What would you call a regime which is clearly acting in
direct opposition to the will an overwhelming majority of the people and which
acts in the interests of a foreign power? Whatever may be the case, what’s
clear is that in every election
Americans consistently vote for less war and each time around they get more.
America lied about Saddam’s nuclear weapons, lied about torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin,
lied about a Spanish mine sinking the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, lied when we
said Lusitania wasn’t smuggling weapons to Great Britain, lied when we claimed
Assad gassed his own people, but you can trust us when we say Assad gassed his own
people this time, even though we can’t show you any proof, because after all
Putin is lying about Ukraine, even though we can’t show you proof of that, and
Putin lied about the Malaysian airliner, and we can’t show you proof about that
either. You’re just going to have to trust the CIA and just because we lied to JFK
about the Bay of Pigs is no reason not to trust us now.
Presidents come and go but American politics stay the same because of ‘our’ powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some plans. Then well-dressed people with briefcases arrive, who explain how things are done, and suddenly, everything changes. This happens with every administration when faced with an immovable ‘dark state’.
‘Consumers’ are
encouraged in their ignorance by leaders who are equally foolish. The days of America dominating the world in
an arrogant, heavy-handed fashion and dictating to other nations what they can
and can’t do in their own backyards are over. The South China Sea, just for one easy example, is none of America’s
business and the Empire should stop whipping things up which are none of its
business or concern.
How would you feel if China started conducting freedom of navigation
and freedom of overflight operations off the coast of California? Remember how America reacted
when Cuba began basing Soviet missiles on Cuban territory. If
you think because there’s no shooting going on yet that a war isn’t happening,
then you don’t understand the nature of warfare.
The exceptionalist
American is always at work making it clear that America never recognizes
problems it creates. America doesn’t
only interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, and installs
military dictatorships. The
contrived ‘scandal’ that’s Russian ‘influence’ serves to distract from the
actual crimes that are committed daily by ‘our’ government, and only make the
rich and powerful bolder. The
media systematically suppress and distort, and when they do present facts, the
context obscures the actual meaning. The mass media uses brainwashing to keep ‘consumers’
submissive to large corporate interests.
The media serve, and
propagandize for the powerful interests that control and finance them.
You are eight times
more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.
Our laws are written
by people we believe to be liars and thieves.
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