these paragraphs lead to more found at the link below in which pcr provides evidence 'our' government wants war with russia, though perhaps not today;
I Agree With The Saker As Far As He Goes
Paul Craig Roberts
The Saker has answered my question:
Except for his belief in the predominance of US military force over
Russia in Syria and his possible misreading of my phrase, “turning the
other cheek,” to imply Russian meekness rather than a calculated
strategy that might be mistaken, I agree with him.
The difference, if there is one, is that by “provocations” I am
addressing a broader arena than the possibilities for military
confrontation in Syria/Iran and Ukraine. My concerns include, for
example, the orchestrated “Skripal poisoning” by a “deadly nerve agent.”
This story, despite the total absense of any evidence—indeed, the
presence of much evidence against it—continues to develop with ever more
absurd accusations. The purpose of this story is to put Russia and its
president in the worst possible light, thereby creating a climate of
belief for the next false flag attack to be blamed on Russia.
The question is: How much can Washington and its two-bit punk
European vassals demonize Russia before it is impossible for the West to
deal with Russia in a realistic and responsible manner? What was the
Democratic Party and presstitute media thinking, assuming that they are
capable of thought, most likely a risky assumption, when they lied,
cheated, and stole in order to put Hillary Clinton in the White House?
For the United States to have a president who forecloses in advance all
negotiation and all trust between the US and Russian governments by
declaring the president of Russia to be “the new Hitler” guarantees not
only an escalation of dangerous tensions but also guarantees the
inability to reduce them. It is this type of escalation more than a
possible confrontation between US and Russian forces in Syria that can
lead to explosive results.
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