Saturday, September 8, 2018

 the link here below is to the rest of what i've pasted here to give an intro. it provides a most curious exploration of the now infamous 'trump expose';

The degeneracy of mainstream media has been immense. Nowhere has that been so evident than at the New York Times. You may remember that about a month ago, the NYT hired an overt racist by the name of Sarah Jeong. If that didn’t damage their credibility enough, this month, they published an anonymous opinion piece that supposedly detailed the innerworkings of the Trump administration.
But the piece went further than that. The author claimed to be resisting Trump while deeply imbedded within his administration, a senior official. This, of course, evoked strong emotions from the millions of resisters that want Trump impeached. To them, it was further evidence of his corruption and incompetence.
However, the article wasn’t earth-shattering at all. It told The Resistance what they wanted to hear, or what they already thought they knew. So, why publish it at all? First, let me say that this article could be a complete fabrication, but let’s assume it’s real.
Let’s start by analyzing some quotes from the article.
“The root of the problem is the president’s amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

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