Friday, September 7, 2018

 here is the big either or issue where few stand in the middle. hurricane trump may be our first jewish president as shown by his actions, but you will decide that question without question, eh?
here is pasted the beginning of the article with the rest at the link;

Three years ago, it looked like Sheldon Adelson was going to support Senator Marco Rubio for president, and Donald Trump tweeted a lethal assessment:
Sheldon Adelson is looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet. I agree!
After that, of course, Trump blew Rubio away, and it was Trump who got $35 million from Adelson in the presidential race. The relationship hums along. Lately Adelson and his wife Miriam gave $55 million to Trump’s firewall against impeachment, Republican congressional campaigns.
And Trump’s shrewd assessment could not be more accurate. He is Adelson’s perfect little puppet.
All Trump’s major moves in the Middle East, from tearing up the Iran deal to moving the embassy to Jerusalem, to making the Foundation for Defense of Democracies his braintrust, to elevating John Bolton to national security adviser and throwing out realist Rex Tillerson at State, are moves that make Adelson happy. We can just be thankful that Trump has not checked off every box on Adelson’s wishlist, and nuked Iran.
Trump’s latest move, to defund UNRWA, the UN aid organization for Palestinian refugees, is completely in line with Adelson’s agenda. The 85-year-old casino mogul has long maintained there is no such thing as a Palestinian.
There’s no such thing as a Palestinian. Do you know what they are? The Palestinians call themselves southern Syrians. They were the Syrians who were left over from the district of Syria that was so named in the Ottoman Empire… There’s no such thing as a Palestinian people. They have fooled the world very successfully.
By Ottoman Syria, Adelson means Jordan– where Trump wants the Palestinians to move as he redraws the map of the Middle East.Trump is determined to take “off the table” the biggest issues of the so-called peace process, refugees and Jerusalem and borders. All in Israel’s favor.

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