Thursday, September 13, 2018

 the empire marches towards more war while the great unwashed have no clue what 'our' government is really doing. they don't even seem to notice there's supposed to be legal paths to wars long abandoned by the empire;

Patrick J. McShay — Sept 12, 2018

“The US links itself to an Israeli government identifiable as a rogue regime by international standards, engaging as it does in torture, arbitrary imprisonment, and continued occupation of territories seized by its military. America’s own torture program was modelled after Israel’s.”
— *Philip Giraldi- Longtime Counter-Intelligence and Military Intelligence Officer with the CIA
“I’ve never seen a president- I don’t care who he is- stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israeli’s know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood the grip the Israeli’s have on our government they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.”
— *Thomas Moore – Admiral US Navy and former head of the Joint Chief of Staff

We hear American politicians talk warmly and affectionately about our military and how they are fighting around the world to preserve our freedom and democracy. George Bush “The Dumber” liked to say “We have to fight them over there or we’ll have to fight them over here”.
The ugly truth that many Americans are getting wise to is that none of these wars has anything to do with American freedom and democracy, and instead, they have a lot to do with Israel’s control over our President, the Congress, the Senate, the Pentagon, and the State Department.

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