Sunday, August 4, 2024

 larry wonders where are the revenge missiles;

There is a lot of chatter and garbage floating on the internet regarding Iran’s vow to strike back at Israel for killing Ismail Haniyeh, the Chief Hamas negotiator, in Tehran this week. Airlines are cancelling flights in and out of Israel, Lebanon and Iran. The US is moving a 12-ship navy flotilla to the Med and ferrying combat jets to friendly airfields. I am sure there are some frantic behind-the-scenes attempts to get negotiations going or to persuade Iran to back down. I do not think that Iran and Hezbollah are bluffing. I think they fully intend to deliver a serious blow to Israel’s military and infrastructure. The big unknown is whether Israel, with the backing of the US and Europe, can defang the attack.

News broke tonight that the Commander of CENTCOM — who normally is based in Tampa, Florida at MacDill Air Force Base — arrived at the Headquarters of the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain. This is just one more indicator that something ugly is in the works...........more.........

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