Friday, August 30, 2024

 we once had a first amendment which said you shall make no law abridging free speech, and then the social justice warriors came to life;

The Times of Israel has more on NYU's new "hate speech" rules aimed at suppressing criticism of "Zionists":

Students and faculty who discriminate against or harass "Zionists" may be violating New York University's hate speech policies, according to the school's updated guidelines for the fall semester.

In July, Meta banned the use of "Zionist" as a cover for attacks on Jews or Israelis on its platforms. Now, NYU, which like many universities became embroiled in pro-Palestinian unrest during the last school year year, appears to be the first college to take a stance on the term's use.

"Using code words, like 'Zionist,' does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the NDAH [Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment] Policy," read NYU's new student community standards, which it published on Thursday.

The term Zionist, which has historically referred to people who support Jewish self-determination in the land of Israel, has increasingly functioned as a pejorative in the overheated climate amid the Israel-Hamas war. Many pro-Palestinian protests over the past year loudly condemned "Zionists," while progressive activists have increasingly targeted "Zionists" in the cultural landscape and some Jewish students have described feeling excluded from campus activities if they do not denounce Zionism...........more.....

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