Saturday, August 31, 2024

 larry johnson has lots to present in this post with an important interview, and news and views on our various wars;

My interview of Dimitri Simes is now available at my Counter Currents channel. It is quite a story. Dimitry fled the Soviet Union in 1973, shortly after being released from prison, and arrived in the United States seeking freedom. Now, 50 years later, Dimitry — who is a US citizen — was compelled, once again, to flee authoritarian rule. Only this type, the tyrant is the United States and the sanctuary is Russia.

Upon arriving in the United States without any savings, Dimitry set to work trying to establish a new life in America and he quickly found a niche as a genuine Soviet expert. He was mentored by such luminaries as Paul Nitze and Fred Ikle. (I realize those names are meaningless to you youngsters out there, but in the 1980s, they were major players in the realm of arms control and the US Department of Defense.) Thanks to serendipity (or the hand of God), Dimitry became friends with former President Nixon and was named President of the Nixon Center, a Washington, D.C. think tank.

Dimitry held that job for 30 years. That is where I first met him. I was invited to participate in a small seminar in December 2002, that included former CIA Director James Schlesinger, Fox News pundit Charles Krauthammer, Ambassador Joe Wilson and W. Patrick Lang, former head of DIA’s Middle East Division. There were only twelve of us, plus Dimitry, sitting around a conference table trying to ascertain what the George W. Bush Administration planned to do in Iraq.

Two weeks ago, the FBI raided and ransacked Dimitry’s home in Virginia. He was not there, thankfully. Scott Ritter got off light compared to what the FBI did to Dimitry’s home. They absconded with paintings and furniture, and they physically damaged portions of the house. The FBI did something that the KGB never did to Dimitry. I hope you take the time to watch our conversation...........more........

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