Saturday, August 31, 2024

if you've never read fred, a half blind vietnam vet, this is a good time to get started. he sees things others would prefer he not; 

Your scribe notes calls for the removal of illegal aliens from America by using eVerify (google it) an electronic means that allows employers to detect illegals and, so says the law, deny them jobs. The illegals will then, it is thought, return voluntarily to their home countries.

Will it work? Maybe so. It certainly has better optics than that of swatted out police shoving illegals into paddy wagons. Yet there are many, to include idealistic liberals and practical conservative businessmen, who will want eVerify to fail and will set about securing this end.

Consider hypothetically a meat-packing company with three slaughter houses, each employing fifty illegals. ICE agents show up with portable eVerify terminals. The illegals vanish into the woods. The slaughterhouses shut down. What now?

The cattlemen are angry because they have cattle and nothing to do with them. The meat-packing company is angry because it is taking huge losses. The supermarket chains are angry because they do not have hamburger to sell. The public is angry because it does not have hamburger to buy. The first three groups have lots of money with which to buy congressmen. The hamburger-deprived public votes.

I am no authority on meat packing and the foregoing doubtless can be argued. I believe the reader will take my point that disemploying illegals may have ramifications not considered by angry get-them-out enthusiasts who probably do not own slaughter houses........more.......

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