Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Had enough yet?

Paid enough yet?

Served enough yet?

Our heritage as free men is to serve no King. Yet we have become serfs to an insufferable bureaucracy that claims to be representative of us, yet is so far from the common man as to be untouchable. Our King has become hordes of petty bureaucrats who administer the will of the federal oligarchs. People, Americans, once free and proud now cower before the might of the entrenched politibeast. Everything that you do could be a crime. Fear the IRS…. If not, you could be accused of withholding their money from them and bankrupted or imprisoned. Fear the ATF… Any misstep about the firearms or accessories that they allow you to have, could end up with a lengthy imprisonment. Fear the EPA… You can be bankrupted or worse by their foolish decisions (Or evilly planned ones) that are shaping the course of the energy structure. The list continues on an on for so long as to become boring. Yet still, nowhere in any of this is there a consideration for freedom for the serfs to whom they so dutifully “Administer”. To be free to them is to object and to object is to deny their power and any denial of those powers will be met with severe consequences. Now the Federal leviathan is bent on consolidating its rule and quashing all remaining dissent. We have come so far from freedom that we would not recognize it if it were before us. We are ruled by Oligarchs who are chosen, not by the people, but by the system itself. Powerful Senators like Chuck Schumer, who after flying business class for the first time in his life, wanted to pass a law demanding more leg room on domestic flights. Could you imagine that? A poor senator having to have leg discomfort while flying…. Guys like Mitch (Glitch) McConnell who is so far past being able to carry out duties that he is only in place because he still serves the system. And this is all of them, not just this couple of examples. These people are not voted in to represent us. They are presented to us in pairs by the system for us to select which one will serve the system in our names. You have no choice when the choice is forced upon you. The elite few are not elected reps from your district that will choose for you; Mom and Pop did not go to Washington and change things and neither did Mr. Smith. This system is for the system, not the people. The people, the serfs, are there to serve the system and maximize the profits of the Oligarchs. What happens then when you go outside of the system and try to force the system to work? Ask Donald J. Trump the only guy I can ever think of who went to Washington and left poorer.

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