Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 mr davis wonders how many 'selections' we'll be having after november, if any;

The 2024 election is the most consequential election in our lifetimes, but it still doesn’t matter. We have already been immersed in the hell that is communist rule. We have a president that does absolutely nothing and Harris will be no different. What we have seen over the past four years is a government run fully by cabinet-level appointees. I have no doubt that Obama was deeply involved in choosing these cabinet posts and is the one who will be answered to on all policy positions from now until he is finally rooted out. If Trump is the one to do that, he’s going to need a lot of help.

This election, if seen for what it is, is an expression of wills. It’s a choice of regular order or communist rule. Since the pandemic, we’ve seen the private armies of the globalists, our police forces and sheriff’s offices, impose rules and dictates sent down from on high. These were not laws and they were not acting lawfully. We have suffered the surveillance, the monitoring of our actions, the visits by the secret police concerning social media posts. We have seen censorship for our views that were ultimately proven true, not the misguided, antigovernment screeds they were proclaimed by a biased and criminally negligent press. We now see people going to prison here and elsewhere for things they’ve said, especially when true. Pavel Durov, CEO of Instagram, has been arrested in France for things other people have said. These are the dark days of communisms showing themselves in real time, across the globe, so there can be no doubt as to the future under Harris/Obama. We know what we will be voting against, that and the intricate and largely computer-driven system of voter fraud. The details of this are utterly shameless. Some states even have recently cleaned voter rolls, required by law and finally enforced, automatically repopulated with those same names. It’s easy, you take a snapshot of the lists in existence, save it, clean the challenged names from the list, wait for the dust to settle and replace the new file with the old one........more.........

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