Saturday, August 31, 2024

the civil war was really a war of succession. mr peters thinks the coming one will be a more accurately titled civil war and here he writes about it;

What was not the American “civil war” – because the Southern Confederacy wasn’t trying to take over the country; it was attempting to secede and form a new country – was a geographical war. The North sought to force the South back into a “union” the South wished to not be forced to be a part of.

Kids in school are taught something else, of course. They are told the North’s refusal to allow the South to peacefully separate itself from a “union” it regarded as exploitative and insufferable (very much of a piece with the attitude of the 13 American colonies that successfully separated from “union” with Great Britain) was about the South’s enslavement of black people. It was in fact partially about that – but mostly in the sense of political apportionment. If more “slave states” were admitted to the “union” then the political power of the South would wax and the North very much opposed this.......more.......

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