Thursday, August 29, 2024

 exhibit a from mr peters on the subject; trump just can't help himself;

This (s)election is Trump’s to lose – as has been observed (correctly) by many. And he seems determined to lose it.

The other day, at a Vietnamese restaurant in Northern Virginia, Trump told the people eating there – and the Internet, because it was video’d – that Hung Cao, who is running for Congress, ought to be elected because of his name. “This is a great gentleman. I love his name, Hung Cao. That name alone should get you elected to serve.”

Get it? Every 14-year-old boy gets it.

Hilarious, right?

Sure. To 14-year-old boys. Not so much to adults. Particularly female adults. Such comments serve only to convey to adults that Trump is a child. A 78-year-old man with the mentality of a 14-year-old boy. One who likes to “grab them by the pussy,” which is what 14-year-old boys tend to think about doing. It does not come across well when said by a 78-year-old man running for president.

It’s a measure of cultural decline. Vulgarity was first normalized during the era of Clintigula – him rather her – when, for the first time in American history, a president parsed the meaning of “sexual relations” on live TeeVee.

Now we have a candidate for the presidency who thinks it’s hilarious to talk publicly about how “Hung” Cao is............more.......

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