Saturday, August 31, 2024

 joos love anti-semitism is the point this writer is working towards making;

It isn’t because those antisemitic tracts say that the Jews control Hollywood and the media. It isn’t because the rabbis claim that life is horrible and thus Jews will always be mistreated by the Goyim. This particular word has grown to become a central tenet of Judaism, and yet compared to the two thousand years of anti-Jewish philosophizing, antisemitism is a small and recent aberration. The word was born in 19th century Vienna and is a culmination of the racial theory that was fashionable then. It put forth the claim that there are two major races, Aryan and Semitic. Racists claim that Jews are intrinsically Semitic, like cats are intrinsically cats. Jews are born this way, and this way they die. International Jewry likes this idea. But why are we obligated to subscribe to it?

“The Jews” came to existence at the end of the first century AD, after Christianity began making inroads into the Greek and Roman world. Just as the Crucifixion was followed by the Resurrection, so appeared the Church of Christ. It took the name of Israel. Not long afterwards there appeared a strong anti-Christian group, and their main raison d’etre was to cast aspersions on the Name of Christ. They took the name of Jews. Their first and most popular text of the first millennium was called Maaseh Taluy, a parody of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was also called Toledot Yeshu, making Judas its hero. Hundreds of copies of this text have been found in Cairo Geniza and elsewhere. Ever afterwards, the Jews have consistently and untiringly fought Christianity whenever and wherever they could get way with it.......more......

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