Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 those in charge have brought us to this while we were watching tv. it doesn't bode well for our future if the state of mind that enabled our current reality doesn't get a backbone;

Have you noticed an unusual number of vehicles in the parking lots of major retailers in your area at night?  If you look closely enough, you will see that many of those vehicles actually have people sleeping in them.  At this point, millions of Americans are sleeping in their vehicles every night.  This is happening even though we are being told that the economy is just fine.  But of course the truth is that the system is failing all around us.  So if you get to sleep in a very warm bed in a very warm home, you should consider yourself to be very blessed, because vast numbers of people are really struggling right now.

The primary reason why so many people are living in their vehicles is because the cost of living has soared to unprecedented heights.

In particular, the cost of housing has become extremely oppressive.  In fact, housing in the United States has become more unaffordable than it has ever been before.

This week, I was stunned to read about a 33-year-old man named Ishan Abeysekera that is paying $2,100 a month to share a house with 23 other people…

In a city as notoriously expensive as New York, it’s common to see people in their late 20s and early 30s living with roommates to help manage the high cost of living.

But Ishan Abeysekera has taken that to the next level with his current living situation in Brooklyn: a communal building that he shares with a whopping 23 other people.

“When I say I have 23 housemates, people are like ‘What? That sounds wild,’” Abeysekera tells CNBC Make It. “But actually, it’s quite nice.”

That is nuts!

Who would pay that much to live with 23 total strangers?

Of course most Americans can’t afford to pay $2,100 a month for housing........more.........

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