Monday, August 26, 2024

mr peters thinks the orange man may be throwing it all away, again; 

This (s)election is Trump’s to lose – as many have observed. It ought not to be even close. But Trump has succeeded in narrowing the gap, if the polls are to be believed. And even if not, it’s beside the point because what matters is that Trump appears to be losing ground. Not because Kamala Harris – let alone Tim Walz – are appealing characters and certainly not because they have a strong record of positive accomplishments to crow about.

Rather, they are ascendant because Trump keeps pulling himself down.

it is beyond exasperating – to those who dread the idea of Kamala Harris becoming the (s)elected dictator of the United States, which is what the office of president has effectively become – to watch Trump help her get (s)elected. Because it is something that ought to be a political impossibility. The fact that it appears likely – at least right now – is astounding. It is a measure of Trump’s capacity to wreck things.

Like his presidency, for one.

Rewind your mind to late 2019 – the end of the third year of the first Trump presidency. The man seemed unassailable. Chiefly because things were pretty good. Gas was under $2 per gallon and a $100 bill bought a cart full of groceries – as opposed to now, when it buys two plastic bags of groceries and a gallon of gas costs $3.50 or more. Unemployment was low and most people who were willing to work were doing ok........more...........

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