Friday, August 30, 2024

 while the world remains silent is one of the greatest indictments possible in these circumstances;

The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . .

and in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometers (less than 6 square miles). It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s Sinai desert and to provide their land to illegal settlers.

The US enables the Israeli genocide while the UK and EU applaud it and criminalize dissent against it. The Arab states stand aside and watch. Which one of them will be next?

August 28, 2024
Israel Starts Ethnic Cleansing In West Bank [ This should read: “Israel Completes Ethnic Cleansing in West Bank Begun in 1947” ]

The Anglo-American colonial project in Palestine has launched another war to remove the indigenous population from its land.

Israel launches major operation in West Bank; Palestinian officials say 9 killed – Washington Post

TEL AVIV — Israel launched a major operation in multiple cities in the West Bank on Wednesday involving hundreds of troops...........more........

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