Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 it seems curious that while we're told that the world is joining at the un to condemn israel's war crimes, that parts of the world would continue to sell them the means to keep going;

Foreign oil continues to flow into Israel despite repeated warnings from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that exporters could face charges of "complicity in genocide" for continuing to supply the Jewish state with the lifeblood powering its war in Gaza.

Back in January, the ICJ ordered Israel to cease all genocidal acts in Gaza following an investigation into alleged war crimes. It also warned Israel's allies not to supply Israel with the fuel needed to continue those genocidal acts, though not everyone listened.

Azerbaijan, Israel's primary supplier of oil, has not stopped sending the gas Israel needs, nor have Italy, Albania and Greece. African countries like Gabon, Nigeria and Congo-Brazzaville are also now sending fuel to Israel in defiance of the ICJ's warnings.

Many of these countries are also in violation of the Genocide and Geneva Conventions, which makes this a matter of international law. Israel absolutely requires all this imported oil to power its fighter jets, tanks and military vehicles – without it, there would be no war. The bulldozers that Israel uses to raze Palestinian homes in the West Bank are also powered by imported oil.

(Related: An independent United Nations commission says that both Israel and Hamas are guilty of committing war crimes.).........more..........

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