Friday, August 30, 2024

 mr peters speaks about the true owner of your house;

There’s a reason why you’ll never truly own your home. It is called the property tax. It is a yearly tax – paid forever – based on what the taxers say your home is worth this year, irrespective of what you paid for it when you thought you bought it.

You may have paid $250,000 for it many years ago. Maybe because that’s all you could afford to pay when you thought you bought it. Fast-forward ten years and the taxers say it is now worth $500,000 and “assess” the tax you are required to pay on the basis of that figure. Your “gains” are $250k – and now you “owe.”

Never mind that no actual increase in your worth – and so your ability to pay – has occurred, because you’re living in rather than selling the house.........more.......

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