Saturday, August 3, 2024

mr peters wants you to know that voting isn't for everyone;

The title of this article isn’t exactly what this article is about. It is about what Robert Heinlein wrote about in his novel, Starship Troopers. It is a valuable philosophical/moral book – unlike the film adaptation, which is entertaining but cartoonish. The book’s theme is as serious as the war that forms the backdrop of the story.

It is the necessity of making the franchise – the right to vote – something that must be earned before it is exercised.

If, that is, one does not wish to see a nation vote itself into oblivion. More finely, if one does not wish to see a nation voted into oblivion by people who – as the saying goes – have no skin in the game.

Who want to skin you.

They can be of either sex.

It is not – as some men think – women voters who are the problem. The problem is parasites who vote – of both sexes. The men and women who believe they have a right to vote for a “fair share” of other people’s money – or to use the power of the state to make other people pay to fund what they consider to be worth funding but are either unable or unwilling to contribute their own funds toward financing.

It is suicidal madness to allow those who don’t pay for what they vote for to vote for it.

It is fundamentally the same as telling the person who owns a home they must leave the door unlocked so that anyone who wants to can walk right in and help themselves to whatever’s inside...........more...........

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