Sunday, August 4, 2024

 this is what 'our free press' calls loosing the war inandfour ukraine;

Regional and international sources, including Reuters, continue to report on Russian forces making steady gains in Ukraine's east. But now these gains are coming so rapidly that Ukrainian civilians are having to hastily flee their homes amid the onslaught. 

Reuters for example speaks of a "wave of people fleeing Russian advances on several fronts in the eastern region of Donetsk, as Moscow batters" steadily across Ukraine's defensive front lines.

"Pressing home their advantages in manpower and weapons, Russian forces have fought their way towards major towns and supply routes in pursuit of their goal of full control of Ukraine's industrialized and mineral-rich Donbas," the report continues.

Ukrainian officials have of late admitted that Russia has almost captured and solidified its hold over all of Donetsk Oblast. President Zelensky on Friday acknowledged Pokrovsk sector to be scene of the "most severe battles" and now a prime target for Moscow. According to the latest gains:

One recent advance has allowed Russia to open a salient only 20 km (12 miles) from Pokrovsk, an important logistical hub and still home to about 60,000 people. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday that Pokrovsk was now Russia's main target.

Moscow has claimed control of four villages east of Pokrovsk in the last week. Ukraine did not comment on those claims.

Russian soldiers have reached the edge of Toretsk, where the regional governor said a week ago that only 3,500 people were left, just over 10% of the prewar population. More have since been evacuated by authorities and humanitarian organizations..........more.........

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