Saturday, August 3, 2024

 occasionally i have a letter to the editor of the local fishwrap, electronic these days, and here is one from this past week;

We, America, are on our way to world war three, without, as it were, a paddle. This without a functioning ‘leader’ in charge inspiring confidence. The democracy illusion is seen as exactly that by more citizens than the ‘leaders’ imagine. At the same time the powers that shouldn’t be have succeeded in encouraging divided citizens to yell at each other at the same time, ensuring that no one will hear or learn, let alone settle any differences and thereby proceeding towards peace and cooperation. This as one ‘candidate’ said to be representing the party of democracy, wasn’t even voted into existence but was installed by sain’t Obama and the Clinton crime family.

Right now, I’m hearing that Israel may begin full war with Hezbollah because they ascribe a rocket landing in a village in the Golan heights to them. So the ignition for world war three due to an alleged rocket attack on a Syrian town in occupied territory is being reached for by Israel. Israel complains of twelve dead Arab children in land belonging to Syria while in the last ten months Israel has murdered more than fifteen thousand children, not to mention their mothers and fathers. Some independent sources suspect that when you conduct a proper census and remove all of the collapsed buildings the current dead tole may be close to two hundred thousand and when you investigate how many explosives have been launched by them you could easily wonder if that is all.

All the while I keep remembering bible references warning me to be aware of false joos which the Ashkenazi certainly are. Why would I say that you might wonder? Do some research on the subject and it comes to light but if you choose google use another like research to double check your results. Ashkenazi Jews aren’t Semitic but are Turkic, descended from the Khazar tribe which once occupied much of what is now Ukraine, hence their dispersal throughout Europe after converting to Judaism in about seven hundred AD. ..........more.........

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