Sunday, August 25, 2024

 a good sumation of 'you are here' as released by the rfk jr participation in the 'selection' games;

I originally wrote much of this on the plane flying to Mexico City for CPAC Mexico. At the time, I did not know the details of the anticipated Kennedy announcement. The event happened while I was in the air, and things are accelerating.  However, I promised our substack readers that I would summarize my thoughts on the implications of the announcement and subsequent Kennedy appearance at the packed Arizona rally with Donald Trump.

To recap, for completeness, a video and transcript of yesterday’s historic RFK Jr. speech can be found here.

Let’s delve into the profound implications of what I believe is a significant political realignment, starting with a brief review of recent relevant historical highlights (as I see them). This event signifies more than just RFK Jr. suspending his campaign in crucial swing states.

RFK Jr. ran a campaign based on the thesis that those identifying and voting as Democrats would be interested in political candidates representing the values and policy positions of the mid-20th century Democrat party. This was partly based on confidential polling numbers obtained and shared with me.  This thesis was also based on hope.  A belief that the policy positions and values imparted to him by his father and former members of his uncle’s administration still resonated with today’s Democrat party members.  I infer this based on personal conversations that I have had with Mr. Kennedy and on his public statements.  

RFK Jr. initially referred to these theoretical Democrat voters as “Kennedy Democrats” and firmly believed that a silent Democrat party majority would find its voice in opposition to the deeply corrupted Clinton/Obama cabal.  A Democrat party power elite that had captured what he believed to be the once and future political coalition and values that his Uncle and Father had once led—pre-Carter values and policies that RFK Jr. still believed in when he launched his campaign.  I do not know if he still retains those beliefs in the same way after what he has experienced since announcing his campaign in Boston. ..........more.......

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