Sunday, August 4, 2024

 the author calls this: the crucible that's coming', where i believe about the same. lots of tension created by those who are allegedly in charge brought britain to this point, and who is next;

Some say elections don’t matter. Their cynicism – and frustration – is easy to understand and to empathize with. We all feel it. It’s easy to feel discouraged. Beaten, even. As if it no longer mattered.

Except, of course, it does.

It mattered in 2016. And it matters even more now. By no means is Hombre Naranja perfect or even close to being so. But it is petulantly childish to insist everything must be perfect – because it never is. Imperfection is the natural state of things. In politics more so than elsewhere.

It being an elaboration of the imperfection of human beings. There will always be damaged, stunted – and evil – people among us. We each have aspects of all of the foregoing, perhaps under more control. But to deny it’s there is to deny human nature. We are what we are – and so is everyone else, for better and for worse........more........

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