Friday, August 23, 2024

 coming soon to a growing tyranny near you;

I have been reporting about this for exactly four years, warning people that it was coming and to prepare for the day when you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you submit to a biometric digital ID based on a scan of your eyeballs, your palm, or some other unique physical feature. Whoever submits to a biometric digial ID is accepting a sinister system designed for one reason and one reason only — to inventory and control every human being on the planet through the power of artificial intelligence.

If you submit to a system that bars people who reject the digitization of their identities from entering certain public places and bars them from purchasing essential items, including food and fuel, and bars them from having a bank account or working most jobs, how is that not a beast system resembling that which is described in Revelation 13?

Way too many people, including Christians, believe such a thing will never happen in America, at least not in their lifetimes. They suffer from chronic normalcy bias. If such a system were to appear, they will not believe it is what it is, because their pastors will tell them it can’t be that! It can’t be the mark of the beast. No, not here. Not now. That’s way off in the future and only after certain other events take place.

Never mind that this system is already fully functional and being implemented in several dozen countries around the world. America is different, they say. America is “exceptional,” and our government would never be allowed to force us to get digitally marked, allowing authorities to tag and track us wherever we go, like cattle in a feedlot awaiting their utlimate destination at the slaughterhouse........more........

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