Sunday, August 25, 2024

 things like this happen daily in zionist occupied palestine so i'm almost surprised when the mockingbird media calls those who resist terrorists;

When a group of more than 100 Jewish pogromists, masked and armed with pistols and automatic rifles, killed a Palestinian, injured others and burned homes in the Palestinian town of Jit in the northern occupied West Bank last week, the Israeli government swiftly condemned them.

“It is an extreme minority that harms the law-abiding settlement community and the entire settlement and the name and status of Israel in the world,” Isaac Herzog, Israel’s president, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office reportedly called for the arrest and trial of “those responsible for any offense.”

Indeed, a grand total of four settlers were arrested.

The settlers shot at Palestinian villagers, threw stones at their homes and set fire to their vehicles and homes, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights reported.

Settlers shot 23-year-old Rashid Mahmoud al-Sadeh in the chest, killing him instantly.

An hour into the settler assault, Israeli forces joined the attack, violently dispersing Palestinians and “hindering them from extinguishing the fires engulfing their homes and vehicles.”

The Israeli forces “fired live bullets and tear gas canisters into the air and took no action to halt the settlers’ rampage.” Instead, they made sure settlers securely withdrew from the village..............more.......

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