Friday, August 23, 2024

 my latest reply to ms smith who was/is very opposed to my original letter of 7-31 and wrote in opposition on 8-12. there has been a bit of back and forth since;

The government I live under has been my enemy all my active life. When it has not been engaged in silencing me it has been engaged in robbing me. So far as I can recall I have never had any contact with it that was not an outrage on my dignity and an attack on my security. -H.L. Mencken 

In ‘our’ democracy which isn’t, you vote in primaries to choose your candidate. We were established as a democratic republic: not a democracy. There’s a difference.

Kamala wasn’t chosen in elections but installed by party bosses when the survival of old joe became questionable against the orange man. So the current ‘dance’ in Chicago touting a non-existent democracy is a sham designed to obfuscate. Mindlessness rules the Western world. This is even true of Trump supporters where one would hope awareness prevails. It doesn’t. 

There are many examples in American history in which the choice of the people was ignored in favor of the ruling ‘elite’. The Vietnam war is a good example as were our other various wars, all begun without congressional action, using doublespeak to ‘authorize’ them.

Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) ...........more...........

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