Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 leading dumocorp, jamie raskin, promises to incite a civil war if the orange man wins. if you've seen any video of this guy he's off the charts wacko;

Putting some context data together before a video that should concern everyone.

Representative Jamie Raskin’s (U-MD) son, Tommy Raskin killed himself right after the 2020 election at the age of 25.  Congressman Raskin was diagnosed with cancer in 2022, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

Raskin is an angry bitter man of intemperate disposition, the archetype nihilist.  As hate consumes him, his physical persona changes with the manifestation of evil enterprise.  While his cancer is in reported remission, I would anticipate it to resurface in early 2025, after Baal has finished using him.

All of that said, Raskin is pledging to purposefully trigger a civil war within the United States if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.  {Direct Rumble Link Here} Raskin is prepared to work with Democrats and block any certification of any vote that has President Trump declared the winner......more........

here is a short video of him to further illustrate my point........https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1el1w5l/rep_jamie_raskin_is_saying_that_congress_will/

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