Saturday, August 31, 2024

 three minute tictok titled; they are always listening;


 in ten minutes neil oliver speaks of things in britain and the empire i imagine you can identify and condemn as well as he, no matter where you live;


 in ten minutes decoy voice dismantles the world of cnn and its friends;


 in ten minutes neil oliver speaks about the madness of crowds;


 elon suspects that brazil is a precursor to what could happen here;

Elon Musk fired off a warning to Americans after radical Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes blocked X in Brazil.

The Brazilian Supreme Court Justice claimed he is banning X from Brazil because Elon Musk refused to name a legal representative to the country.

X’s Global Affairs disputed this Thursday evening.

“Soon, we expect Judge Alexandre de Moraes will order X to be shut down in Brazil – simply because we would not comply with his illegal orders to censor his political opponents. These enemies include a duly elected Senator and a 16-year-old girl, among others,” X’s Global Affairs said.

“When we attempted to defend ourselves in court, Judge de Moraes threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts. Our challenges against his manifestly illegal actions were either dismissed or ignored. Judge de Moraes’ colleagues on the Supreme Court are either unwilling or unable to stand up to him,” Global Affairs said.

 caitlin sums up what our daily task aught to be if it ain't already;

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize. To help other westerners see the freakishness and depravity of the empire with fresh eyes.

If we lived in a healthy, harmonious society, and then all of a sudden the status quo changed to the one we have right now, people would scream their fucking lungs out. They would scream and scream and scream in abject horror and gut-wrenching grief at what they were seeing. It would feel like the end of the world to everyone.

Our task is to try to give our fellow westerners a taste of that experience. To help people viscerally experience the vast contrast between what we have now and what an acceptable status quo would actually look like. To show them the immense suffering, brutality and psychopathy of the empire in all the ways it shows up from day to day, in ways that the normality manufacturers in Washington, New York and Hollywood have been trying to keep them from seeing.........more........

 bet you can't do this;


there are rumors that in colorado there are venezuelan gangs taking control over various areas but the governor says no. this may become a thing in the near future;

 the most searched 'conspiracy theory' by state in an illustration. i prefer to call it critical thinking instead of the old cia term;


the civil war was really a war of succession. mr peters thinks the coming one will be a more accurately titled civil war and here he writes about it;

What was not the American “civil war” – because the Southern Confederacy wasn’t trying to take over the country; it was attempting to secede and form a new country – was a geographical war. The North sought to force the South back into a “union” the South wished to not be forced to be a part of.

Kids in school are taught something else, of course. They are told the North’s refusal to allow the South to peacefully separate itself from a “union” it regarded as exploitative and insufferable (very much of a piece with the attitude of the 13 American colonies that successfully separated from “union” with Great Britain) was about the South’s enslavement of black people. It was in fact partially about that – but mostly in the sense of political apportionment. If more “slave states” were admitted to the “union” then the political power of the South would wax and the North very much opposed this.......more.......

if you've never read fred, a half blind vietnam vet, this is a good time to get started. he sees things others would prefer he not; 

Your scribe notes calls for the removal of illegal aliens from America by using eVerify (google it) an electronic means that allows employers to detect illegals and, so says the law, deny them jobs. The illegals will then, it is thought, return voluntarily to their home countries.

Will it work? Maybe so. It certainly has better optics than that of swatted out police shoving illegals into paddy wagons. Yet there are many, to include idealistic liberals and practical conservative businessmen, who will want eVerify to fail and will set about securing this end.

Consider hypothetically a meat-packing company with three slaughter houses, each employing fifty illegals. ICE agents show up with portable eVerify terminals. The illegals vanish into the woods. The slaughterhouses shut down. What now?

The cattlemen are angry because they have cattle and nothing to do with them. The meat-packing company is angry because it is taking huge losses. The supermarket chains are angry because they do not have hamburger to sell. The public is angry because it does not have hamburger to buy. The first three groups have lots of money with which to buy congressmen. The hamburger-deprived public votes.

I am no authority on meat packing and the foregoing doubtless can be argued. I believe the reader will take my point that disemploying illegals may have ramifications not considered by angry get-them-out enthusiasts who probably do not own slaughter houses........more.......

 israel has plans for gaza;

Unit 601 of the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps is clearing a vast swath of land across central Gaza splitting the 25-mile-long territory into two parts. The so-called Netzarim corridor (Highway 749)—which crosses Gaza from east to west—will provide faster transport for IDF troops operating in the area and will also function as vital part of Israel’s security cordon separating the north from the south. There is no doubt that military outposts will be established along the corridor as well as in locations along the western coast. The aim of these actions is to protect the development of new settlements that will be built north of the corridor. In short, the Israeli government is using its war on Hamas to divert attention from its real objective which is the expansion of the Jewish state on Palestinian land.

Not surprisingly, Israel’s activities in the north have resulted in mass evacuations that have intensified the suffering of the traumatized population. According to the Palestinian Chronicle:

The United Nations announced on Tuesday that Israel issued three fresh evacuation orders for over 19 neighborhoods in the north of Gaza and Deir Al-Balah, bringing the number of massive evacuation orders to 16 in August alone, which leaves only 11 percent of the Gaza Strip untouched by the evacuation orders.......more.....

 joos love anti-semitism is the point this writer is working towards making;

It isn’t because those antisemitic tracts say that the Jews control Hollywood and the media. It isn’t because the rabbis claim that life is horrible and thus Jews will always be mistreated by the Goyim. This particular word has grown to become a central tenet of Judaism, and yet compared to the two thousand years of anti-Jewish philosophizing, antisemitism is a small and recent aberration. The word was born in 19th century Vienna and is a culmination of the racial theory that was fashionable then. It put forth the claim that there are two major races, Aryan and Semitic. Racists claim that Jews are intrinsically Semitic, like cats are intrinsically cats. Jews are born this way, and this way they die. International Jewry likes this idea. But why are we obligated to subscribe to it?

“The Jews” came to existence at the end of the first century AD, after Christianity began making inroads into the Greek and Roman world. Just as the Crucifixion was followed by the Resurrection, so appeared the Church of Christ. It took the name of Israel. Not long afterwards there appeared a strong anti-Christian group, and their main raison d’etre was to cast aspersions on the Name of Christ. They took the name of Jews. Their first and most popular text of the first millennium was called Maaseh Taluy, a parody of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was also called Toledot Yeshu, making Judas its hero. Hundreds of copies of this text have been found in Cairo Geniza and elsewhere. Ever afterwards, the Jews have consistently and untiringly fought Christianity whenever and wherever they could get way with it.......more......

 israel is planning on destroying the al aqsa mosque;


the author calls this: the great inversion or how false hope is sold to the masses;

(The Conscious Resistance) Over the last year I have begun to use the phrase “The Great Inversion”, or, simply, The False Awakening. I have yet to explain why I use this term and what it exactly it means, though I am sure readers/viewers have mostly grasped it by now.

I define The Great Inversion as:

“A false awakening whereby the steadily waking masses of freedom lovers are duped (once more) into falling for fake heroes and messiahs, and stealthily manipulated into supporting their own enslavement.”

Essentially, I believe the rise of actors like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and other figures is part of a false awakening taking place where many freedom lovers around the world are looking to these figures as the last line of defense against The Predator Class and the Technocratic State.

Despite the attacks on Trump and Musk, their actions reveal their true character. I have extensively documented the ways in which Donald Trump serves the swamp and is not a friend of liberty. Even as I write this, Donald Trump has just announced his pick for Vice President is J.D. Vance, a Zionist whose rise came as a result of $15 million dollars from Peter Thiel, the infamous tech bro from PayPal, the surveillance firm Palantir, and a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group.

I know this will be hard for some to accept in light of the assassination attempt, but read on.

Meanwhile, Musk promotes brain chips, transhumanism uses his Star Link satellites to support war in Ukraine, and, generally, promotes a vision of the world that looks very similar to the World Economic Forum’s 4th Industrial Revolution.

I believe the bigger picture is that the Predator Class want Donald Trump to win the U.S. (s)election to create more false hope in disillusioned Americans, conservatives and libertarians who haven’t quite seen what Trump actually represents. From there, we will see the push for more chaos before order is implemented.........more........

 larry johnson has lots to present in this post with an important interview, and news and views on our various wars;

My interview of Dimitri Simes is now available at my Counter Currents channel. It is quite a story. Dimitry fled the Soviet Union in 1973, shortly after being released from prison, and arrived in the United States seeking freedom. Now, 50 years later, Dimitry — who is a US citizen — was compelled, once again, to flee authoritarian rule. Only this type, the tyrant is the United States and the sanctuary is Russia.

Upon arriving in the United States without any savings, Dimitry set to work trying to establish a new life in America and he quickly found a niche as a genuine Soviet expert. He was mentored by such luminaries as Paul Nitze and Fred Ikle. (I realize those names are meaningless to you youngsters out there, but in the 1980s, they were major players in the realm of arms control and the US Department of Defense.) Thanks to serendipity (or the hand of God), Dimitry became friends with former President Nixon and was named President of the Nixon Center, a Washington, D.C. think tank.

Dimitry held that job for 30 years. That is where I first met him. I was invited to participate in a small seminar in December 2002, that included former CIA Director James Schlesinger, Fox News pundit Charles Krauthammer, Ambassador Joe Wilson and W. Patrick Lang, former head of DIA’s Middle East Division. There were only twelve of us, plus Dimitry, sitting around a conference table trying to ascertain what the George W. Bush Administration planned to do in Iraq.

Two weeks ago, the FBI raided and ransacked Dimitry’s home in Virginia. He was not there, thankfully. Scott Ritter got off light compared to what the FBI did to Dimitry’s home. They absconded with paintings and furniture, and they physically damaged portions of the house. The FBI did something that the KGB never did to Dimitry. I hope you take the time to watch our conversation...........more........

 there's more surrounding the 'kamala interview' than there was in it;

In an effort to provide as much assistance as possible, CNN heavily edited the Kamala Harris interview as agreed between their producers and the campaign of Kamala Harris (Brian Fallon).   The narrative engineering within the interview, which includes soft guidance by Dana Bash, is transparent and openly visible.

The backlash against CNN is also very visible in all social media examples where the interview is being highlighted.  To present the post-broadcast coverage, CNN has uploaded the interview in three segments.  You will find them below. ........more......

 kamala is a lie from start to where ever she is now;

FIRST – When someone says, “to be honest with you” – they are admitting their predisposition to be a liar.   Why?  Because in direct and truthful communication there is no reason to quantify the truthfulness of your statement.

Saying, “to be honest with you,” directly infers that a persons’ statements can, or cannot be, truthful.  The statements are positional depending on the intentions of the speaker.   In summary, anyone who says “to be honest with you” is very familiar being dishonest in their speaking.

SECOND – Notice when Kamala Harris explains her thoughts, her thinking, at the time when Joe Biden informed her, he was going to drop out of the race.  Notice that nowhere in her thought process, or the thought process of Biden as Harris describes it, is any consideration to the “voters” within her frame of reference or mindset.

As she self describes the events, Kamala Harris never gave a second thought to the Democrat voters in the primary when Joe Biden told her he was dropping out of the race.  Her only thoughts were of Joe Biden and herself.   This is how she would lead the nation.  .........more.........

 there are several reasons i post this and here are a few; a lot of people use telegram and its a freedom of speech issue in france and beyond on too many levels;

The Pavel Durov saga is a gift that will keep on giving for a long time to come. This is what hot information war is all about. So let’s attempt to connect several loose ends.

A high-level Russian analyst makes the case that Durov’s arrest is connected with “anti-French protests in its former colonies, withdrawal from its traditional ‘sphere of influence’ where Telegram infrastructure was used to push anti-colonial and anti-Macronist narratives”.

Add to it an “attempt to influence narratives on Ukraine both in Russian and the international media field, which is highly dependent on Telegram infrastructure.”

Paris is indeed desperate to make itself relevant when it comes to psy ops and influencing/special warfare in Ukraine.

However, as the analyst notes, the French don’t have the tech means to accomplish it. So this may have led to Macron deciding to “exercise a personal pressure campaign against Durov himself. French authorities must be rather desperate in trying to keep their heads in the game of global politics. And Telegram today is (his italics) global politics.”

Paris was just waiting for a big break. When the pilot of Durov’s Embraer private jet submitted his flight plan, there was no warrant for his arrest in France. Only when the jet was on its way to Le Bourget, Paris filed the warrant in haste. Durov was clueless all along.

In a nutshell: Paris got a fateful heads up he was flying into France – could have been via Durov’s Dubai-based, post-obsessive, social climbing girlfriend – and laid out the trap in a flash..........more......

 it seems that we have a 'democratic emergency' in france that few are aware of;

Imagine you are a head of state facing a domestic crisis. You bypass vote in the parliament to force unpopular measures through questionable methods (amid major protests), then use excessive violence against the demonstrations. Next, you call snap elections to neutralize radical political dissidents, and lose it. Then, you use a major international sports event to gain more time and just ignore the election results by refusing to name a Prime Minister from the winning coalition.

What are you, then? Some would certainly use the word “dictator” even. It would be hard indeed to describe such a peculiar state of affairs as anything other than a kind of a coup d’état, right? In this case, the international community would certainly denounce the authoritarian head of state and pressure him or her into complying with election results, right? Well, not necessarily so if you are Emmanuel Macron. A quick look at the events may offer a glimpse of the depth of the trouble the French are in.

First, Macron dissolved the Assemblée Nationale and decided to call new legislative elections, on June 30 (and on July 7, for the second round). This was a response to the fact that the right-wing populist party Rassemblement National’s (RN) won the European elections, which in itself was a defeat for the President. RN, formerly known as Front national (until 2018) is the party of  Marine Le Pen, who, bear in mind, vowed to pull France out of NATO’s military command in 2022, when she was a (defeated) presidential candidate. Macron won the election back then, but Le Pen was promising this while heading to the second round and certainly raised many eyebrows among Paris’ political Establishment.

As I wrote before, describing the RN party or European populist parties in general as pure and simple “fascism” is not accurate. The French President’s measure in June was in any case a daring move to crush a political group which is seen as a threat. Senator François Patriat, who is an ally of Macron, at the time said: “The president’s back in control. Now he’s taking action. It’s the end of Marine Le Pen.” Many criticized the decision and feared it could backfire and result in France having a “far-right” Prime Minister. This did not happen. But the result was certainly not what Macron was hoping for.

The snap elections, as mentioned, were described as a risky political gamble. Macron lost it. Even though the result was a “hung parliament”, the New Popular Front or Nouveau Front populaire (NFP) did win the larger number of parliamentary seats, which was a humiliating political defeat for the President. Macron himself, however, begs to differ: “no one won”, he has stated. According to him, “The blocs or coalitions that emerged from these elections all represent a minority.” The NFP disputes this: “The New Popular Front is without contest the first force in the new National Assembly”.......more..........

i don't remember ever seeing such things in the history of the empire's 'election's'; 

It is just another day in clown world after the X account of Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) posted a hand-written letter purportedly written by Tucker Carlson decrying the Second Amendment that was clearly not written by the real Tucker.

The letter, signed simply with the name "Tucker," is addressed directly to Kamala. It thanks her profusely for "establishing common ground" when it comes to imposing "common-sense gun safety laws" on Americans, and pushes for further restrictions to keep Americans safe from gun violence.

"In the spirit of establishing common ground, even though I am fairly conservative and we may have our disagreements, I am writing to express my gratitude for your's [sic] and President Biden's efforts to establish common sense gun safety laws," the letter reads.

"Owning firearms is every American's [sic] constitutional right. Like all things, there needs to be reasonable regulation like age restriction, background checks, and mental health screenings. Thank you for heading the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for your's [sic] and President Biden's push for common sense gun safety laws. I look forward to seeing what the Biden-Harris administration accomplishes in this regard."

The @VP X account in responding to this letter thanked Tucker for sending it and further tweeted a message from Kamala to the world suggesting that she and the real Tucker Carlson are somehow in agreement that there needs to be more restrictions on the Second Amendment – see below:......more........

Friday, August 30, 2024

 its kunstler friday and he writes about the now famous 'interview';

DANA BASH: “You’ve been Vice President for three and half years. The steps that you are talking about now, why haven’t you done them already?” KAMALA: “I’m very proud of the work we have done.”

She was speaking, you understand, but the main thing you noticed was the musical quality of her voice: sonorous, resonant, like one of the more obscure woodwind instruments, an alto clarinet or a basset horn, producing a sound like unto creamy dressing over the familiar word-salad of iceberg lettuce.

     It would be ungentlemanly to bang on the particulars of Kamala Harris’s CNN interview performance, so I’ll proceed. The nocturne was 18-minutes long, all that survived from the 41-minutes CNN actually recorded, so you might wonder a little about the notes not played. The leitmotif throughout was “my values have not changed,” meaning, disregard any dissonance you might detect in the velvet honk of my voice. Mind the significance of the passage of time, not the music, Altogether, as nocturnes should, it had a soporific effect.

     And now candidate Kamala Harris will go back to hiding on her campaign bus, which makes a different statement than, say, hiding in the basement a la “Joe Biden,” 2020. It’s the difference between going nowhere fast and going nowhere at all — though both concepts apply to the condition of the USA during the four years of “Joe Biden” (loved and revered by his comrades in the Party of Chaos, who threw the president under the very bus Kamala is hiding in).

     Did you think Kamala would still be rising on the joyful billows of hot air that blew out of the Democratic Convention? Like so many of the magic tricks in the party’s repertoire, that one was a spoof of artificial levitation, to give the appearance of something holding up, like, say, the US economy, when there is actually nothing underneath. Nothing real, that is. What’s giving the economy its appearance of loft has been “Joe Biden” pouring government money into scores of party-connected NGOs as pure grift. The main effect of that is the inflation that everybody notices. Meanwhile, nobody gets hooked up to promised broadband and only eight EV charging stations get built for $7.5-billion allocated to the Department of Transportation.......more...........

three minutes with paul joseph watson speaking about the concerns of german police;


 eight minutes with lionel speaking about the kamala;


 a post from elon at the link you might enjoy;



caitlin believes we're at the end of it all;

The decay of western civilization is unfolding in real time right in front of our eyes.

Israel has ramped up its assault on the West Bank with an incursion the likes of which has not been seen since 2002, at the same time we learn that the Biden administration has been scrambling to increase its weapons shipments to Israel. Haaretz reports that August has been the second-busiest month for weapons shipments from the US to Israel’s Nevatim Airbase, second only to October 2023.

This is the same Biden administration that Americans have been assured is working “tirelessly” and “around the clock” for a ceasefire in Gaza. They’re committing genocide and lying about it while laughing and grinning and celebrating the “joy” of the Kamala Harris campaign.

Meanwhile in the UK the government is going insane arresting critics of Israel’s western-backed atrocities for speech crimes. Prominent pro-Palestinian voices Richard MedhurstSarah Wilkinson and Richard Barnard have all been targeted by counter-terrorism police in recent days under the British Terrorism Act on the allegation that they have been too supportive of forbidden groups in their expression of political opinion about recent events in the middle east. They join British journalist Kit Klarenberg and former British ambassador Craig Murray, who came under attack for speech crimes under the same law last year...........more......

 mr peters speaks about the true owner of your house;

There’s a reason why you’ll never truly own your home. It is called the property tax. It is a yearly tax – paid forever – based on what the taxers say your home is worth this year, irrespective of what you paid for it when you thought you bought it.

You may have paid $250,000 for it many years ago. Maybe because that’s all you could afford to pay when you thought you bought it. Fast-forward ten years and the taxers say it is now worth $500,000 and “assess” the tax you are required to pay on the basis of that figure. Your “gains” are $250k – and now you “owe.”

Never mind that no actual increase in your worth – and so your ability to pay – has occurred, because you’re living in rather than selling the house.........more.......

 it appears that the ukie war is getting real interesting. here's some info on that but i wouldn't click on the three links at the beginning unless you understand russian. the link goes to an x map in russian;

Over the last weeks the Russian operation west of Avdivka towards Pokrovsk has been accelerating. Currently the Russian forces are taking three or more towns per day. Cities with some 15,000 pre-war inhabitants, like Novogrodivka,  are falling within 24 hours.

The Ukrainian parliament member Mariana Bezuglaya had recently visited Novogrodivka and complained that the trenches which had been build to defend the town were empty (machine translation):

The city was captured because ” the trenches in front of Novogrodovka were empty.” In the city, too, “there were no signs of preparation for defense and the presence of our military.””In the once twenty-thousandth city, there was practically no Ukrainian army. The 31st brigade in front of the city was removed, the brigade commander for whom the team asked was removed, and criminal proceedings were opened against him (I remind you, there are still no cases against Sodol). Instead, an inexperienced unit was sent here, ” Bezuglaya wrote.

“A week ago, I went out on the outskirts of Selidovo in the direction of Novogrodovka and saw fortifications in front of the city. There was nothing in the city, just an ordinary civilian settlement. I went into the trenches, no one was guarding them, no one was there. I went underground and went out into the field. The Russians were already behind the field. There was no one else. I didn’t get blown up by land mines, I didn’t meet any territorial defense fighters – only single insects were the only life in the prepared fortifications around Selidovo, which the Russians had been striving for for ten years. Any civilian could have done what I did, ” the MP said and posted a photo of empty trenches near Selidovo.

The Ukrainian army in the Donbas region, or whatever is left of it, is currently on the run. There is little fighting – and damage – in the settlements. The Ukrainian artillery seems to be out of ammunition.

The Ukrainian casualties are still high. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported today of 2,345 Ukrainian casualties (within Ukraine and the Kursk region of Russia.) Since the Ukrainian attack on Kursk the number of casualties has generally exceeded 2,000 per day, a number that was rarely seen previously...........more.......

 here is an interesting and creative ad from rfk jr's vp pick we're told;

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s VP pick, Nicole Shanahan, has launched a direct assault on the epidemic plaguing the political landscape: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

The ad opens with a stark question: “Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS?”

It paints a vivid picture of individuals who have become so consumed by their hatred for Trump that they are willing to overlook critical issues facing the country, including skyrocketing inflation, rampant illegal immigration, and corporate corruption.

The message is clear: this obsession with Trump has turned rational discourse into an echo chamber of anger and denial. The ad suggests that many Americans are more focused on vilifying Trump than on engaging with the real challenges that affect their daily lives.

The ad introduces the concept of “Independence,” presenting it as a remedy for those afflicted by TDS. It encourages viewers to break free from the chains of mainstream media narratives and embrace critical thinking.

Throughout the ad, two narrators, described as former TDS sufferers, share their stories of awakening.

The first admits to having once believed that “Donald Trump and the movement he has encouraged are a threat to democracy,” but now, with the help of “Independence,” recognizes that the mainstream media is controlled by a “corrupt oligarchy” that censors free speech and undermines democracy..........more.........

 i believe the casualties numbers are way too low. otherwise here's some gaza news from mondoweiss. unfortunately there's some west bank news as well because the zionists have ramped up military ops there as well;


  • 40,602+ killed* and at least 93,855 wounded in the Gaza Strip, according to the Gaza-based Ministry of Health as of August 29, 2024. Some 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.
  • 664+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank, 5,600 wounded since October 7, according to Palestinian Ministry of Health as of August 29, 2024.

Key Developments 

  • Israeli forces kill at least 18 Palestinians, injure dozens as part of large-scale northern West Bank invasion since start of operation. Martyrs include 6 people in Tulkarem, 4 in Tubas, and 8 in Jenin, according to Wafa News Agency.
  • Israeli army kills 68 Palestinians, wounds 77 in past 24 hours in Gaza, according to Gaza-based Ministry of Health.
  • Israeli army announces large-scale military operation in northern West Bank, including Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas; claims operation largest in West Bank since Operation Defensive Shield in 2002.
  • Israeli army announces assassination of wanted resistance fighter and leader of Tulkarem Brigade, Muhammad “Abu Shuja’” Jaber, alongside four other resistance fighters. 
  • Israeli army announces on Wednesday death of two soldiers in fighting in Gaza over past 24 hours.
  • EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says Israeli West Bank assault must not be “premises” of “war extension” from Gaza, including “full-scale destruction.”...........more........

 larry johnson provides his usual commentary and videos in this friday edition;

Well, that did not take too long. The first of Ukraine’s six F-16 combat jets is kaput, along with the Ukrainian pilot. Several possibilities for its demise — it was destroyed by Russian missiles while in the hangar, or the plane was shot down while trying to fend off the Russian drone/missile attack on Monday, or the pilot panicked and crashed while trying to engage a missile. Who knows? But this much I do know — cue up Freddy Mercury, it is time for some Queen.

My friend, Stephen Bryen, provides an excellent summary of the various accounts of what may have happened. Read it here. One thing we know for certain — a year’s worth of training a Ukrainian pilot is flushed down the toilet.

Things are not going any better for Ukraine on the ground. A year ago, Russian progress on the ground was about one kilometer per week. The movement was glacial because pitched battles were fought inside heavily bunkered cities. Today? Russia is advancing as much as 11 square kilometers per day. The Ukrainian positions in the Donbass are crumbling rapidly and Russia no longer finds it necessary to level a city and turn it into a pile of rubble.

Here is a summary of the latest activity:

🔹Russian Troops, at night and during the day, launched several attacks on enemy-controlled territory. Explosions and air defense operations were recorded in #KrivoyRog and several settlements in the #Kiev region, as well as in #Sumy........more........

it begins in colorado but won't end there; 

In California roaming groups of military-aged illegal migrants have been caught trying to take control of school busses full of children [STORY HERE].  Parents of the children formed defensive perimeters to block the takeover, but the school districts are warning parents to be on alert.

Meanwhile, as a result of the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegal migrants into our country, the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua has now taken over part of the suburbs of Denver, CO.  “Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this. I believe politics is being played with people’s lives. … Nothing is being done to help the American citizens that are being trapped under this gang’s control.”- Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said.

Aurora Colorado Mayor Mike Coffman confirmed to Fox News that part of his city is now under the control of criminal gangs from Venezuela. “So there are several buildings that are actually under the same ownership, out of state ownership, that have fallen to these Venezuelan gangs,” Coffman stated.

You’ve had a third of the country leave. You’ve had these massive waves of migrants coming across the border that many of them crossed the border illegally, were arrested, asked for political asylum, were not adequately vetted, were released into the country. The city of Aurora. We did everything we could to, quite frankly, keep them out of out of the city.”  ........more...........

 israel won't exist soon as they're destroying themselves;

The Anglo-American colonial project in Palestine has launched another war to remove the indigenous population from its land.

Israel launches major operation in West Bank; Palestinian officials say 9 killed – Washington Post

TEL AVIV — Israel launched a major operation in multiple cities in the West Bank on Wednesday involving hundreds of troops.

The troops were sent in with air support and bulldozers, according to an Israeli military official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive military operation. Eyewitnesses cited drones scanning the skies and armored personnel carriers carrying troops on the ground.

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet, the country’s internal security service, announced in a brief joint statement they were launching a counterterrorism operation in Jenin and Tulkarm. Operations were also reported in al-Fara’a refugee camp, near Tubas. At least nine Palestinians have been killed since midnight, the Health Ministry in Ramallah said. Seven were taken to a hospital in Tubas and two to a hospital in Jenin, it said.

Since June 1967, when the Zionist launched a war against its Arab neighbors, it has illegally occupied the West Bank and Gaza.

Today Israel’s foreign minister Israel Katz tweeted in Hebrew (machine translation):..........more.......

 we once had a first amendment which said you shall make no law abridging free speech, and then the social justice warriors came to life;

The Times of Israel has more on NYU's new "hate speech" rules aimed at suppressing criticism of "Zionists":

Students and faculty who discriminate against or harass "Zionists" may be violating New York University's hate speech policies, according to the school's updated guidelines for the fall semester.

In July, Meta banned the use of "Zionist" as a cover for attacks on Jews or Israelis on its platforms. Now, NYU, which like many universities became embroiled in pro-Palestinian unrest during the last school year year, appears to be the first college to take a stance on the term's use.

"Using code words, like 'Zionist,' does not eliminate the possibility that your speech violates the NDAH [Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment] Policy," read NYU's new student community standards, which it published on Thursday.

The term Zionist, which has historically referred to people who support Jewish self-determination in the land of Israel, has increasingly functioned as a pejorative in the overheated climate amid the Israel-Hamas war. Many pro-Palestinian protests over the past year loudly condemned "Zionists," while progressive activists have increasingly targeted "Zionists" in the cultural landscape and some Jewish students have described feeling excluded from campus activities if they do not denounce Zionism...........more.....

 while the world remains silent is one of the greatest indictments possible in these circumstances;

The Final Extermination of Palestine Has Begun . . .

and in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli colonial army has pushed the 2 million surviving Palestinians into an area of less than 15 square kilometers (less than 6 square miles). It continues bombing them. The obvious aim is to push the whole population into Egypt’s Sinai desert and to provide their land to illegal settlers.

The US enables the Israeli genocide while the UK and EU applaud it and criminalize dissent against it. The Arab states stand aside and watch. Which one of them will be next?

August 28, 2024
Israel Starts Ethnic Cleansing In West Bank [ This should read: “Israel Completes Ethnic Cleansing in West Bank Begun in 1947” ]

The Anglo-American colonial project in Palestine has launched another war to remove the indigenous population from its land.

Israel launches major operation in West Bank; Palestinian officials say 9 killed – Washington Post

TEL AVIV — Israel launched a major operation in multiple cities in the West Bank on Wednesday involving hundreds of troops...........more........