Thursday, July 11, 2024

 pcr speaks about le pen and the orange man in one breath;

Marine Le Pen the French Donald Trump

Paul Craig Roberts

In France law is as weaponized as it is in the US under Merrick Garland. Paris prosecutors are “investigating” Marine Le Pen for alleged illegal financing of her 2022 Presidential campaign. If indicted and convicted, she faces 10 years imprisonment and a ban on standing for political office.

The French ruling establishment has been trying to get rid of Le Pen for longer than the American establishment has been trying to get rid of Donald Trump. Both leaders are guilty of the same “crime”–speaking for citizens instead of the immigrant-invaders that are being used to marginalize the ethnic basis of the countries. As has become completely clear, no Western government represents its citizens. Political leaders who speak for the people are seen as the worst enemies of the governments.

By winning the first round of the French parliamentary election, Marine Le Pen came too close to power and set off yet another effort to frame her on a charge that rids the French establishment of the only challenger to its ongoing sellout of the French people.............more............

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