Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 if you don't see the problems here centered on 'our pal' bibi you might be a part of the problem;

In one of the most shameful displays in Congress’ history, Israeli Prime Minister delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. 

The speech was heavy on militarism, racism, and lies so brazen that even the mainstream American media caught some of them. Netanyahu paraded one Muslim and one Ethiopian IDF soldier, bragging about how many Palestinians they killed in a shallow effort to refute the idea that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. 

He lied about Israel targeting Palestinian civilians, which it has done to an unprecedented degree; about the ratio of civilians to combatants killed in Gaza; and the death toll in Rafah. These were all obscenities, a display of genocide denial in the halls of Congress on par with the worst deniers of the Holocaust. Even worse, this denial was done by the murderer himself, while still committing the heinous crimes, and the lies were greeted with standing ovations and cheers from the members of Congress on hand to witness this.

Netanyahu even dug up long-debunked lies about October 7, stories of babies burned alive, and babies killed while hiding in an attic. These have been debunked by Israeli sources, but that didn’t stop Netanyahu from repeating them to a welcoming crowd of Islamophobes and anti-Palestinian racists in Washington. 

As expected, he also claimed the large numbers of protesters outside his speech were financed by Iran, bolstered by the false and wholly unsubstantiated recent testimony from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. .........more.......

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