Saturday, July 27, 2024

 mr peters has a good understanding of our current reality as he presents here, centered on the kamala;

Those who are looking forward to a Trump victory in the coming (s)election might not want to get too cocky just yet. The sudden departure under-duress of obviously declining Joe Biden does not make it more likely that Trump will win.

Arguably, it makes it less likely.

People who aren’t Leftists have a weakness. It is their assumption that Leftists – there are no Democrats anymore – base their opinions and actions on evidence, logic and principles. They do not. They base them on feelings – and their only “principle” is that power (to impose their feelings) must be pursued by any means necessary.

We just witnessed that in action, although many appear to have missed it. Biden did not step aside; he was shoved aside. This is obvious, yet many seem to think the old grifter just changed his mind after weeks of publicly insisting – angrily, at times – that he was the nominee, that Leftists had voted in the primaries for no one else but him (which is true) and that he was not going to step aside. There was no maybe. There was certainty.

Until – just like that – there wasn’t..........more..........

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