Sunday, July 28, 2024

 slavery takes many forms but the bottom line of it is when others control your life, efforts, and you don't;

Kids are taught in school that it is not legal to own other people; that Abe Lincoln “freed the slaves.” But when those kids turn 18, they are required to “do the right thing” and sign what amounts to an indenture contract to “serve” as an unwilling mercenary, where they will no longer have any say about what they are allowed to do and will be told exactly what they must do. If they do not follow those orders, they will be punished – including physically – just the same as the field hands overseen on the plantations of the antebellum South.

The only difference is they don’t call them slaves anymore.

It’s a distinction with little difference. It’s also a barometer of the state of things in this country since Lincoln freed the slaves – from their owners – and asserted the federal government’s ownership over everyone.

The ex-slaves included.

We’re all on dey plantation now........more.......

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