Saturday, July 27, 2024

 as dylan sang in the sixties: the times they are a changing, and here we are again;

Many people are well aware of that the Dept of Homeland Security, (DHS – part of the domestic Intelligence Community structure), previously triggered a myriad of activities and actions to control the online speech of Americans.

Factually, despite the previous understandings about Big Tech deplatforming, demonetization, shadow banning and censorship, it took the Twitter-File revelations to put actual context to what the FBI, DHS, CISA and various domestic intelligence communities were doing.

Immediately everyone saw how Big Tech via Twitter, Google, Instagram, Facebook, etc were using every resource to control information sharing and shut down speech.  In the bigger picture this can be looked at as an effort to control online communication.

Controlling online communication is not only about the content of the voice (under the guise of dis-mis-malinformation), but also about controlling the visibility of the scale of voices who agree.  Ultimately, it’s like an ideologically like-minded crowd in a stadium, if you can stop them at the entry points the stadium looks sparse as the crowd is forcibly turned away.  You don’t know that your opinion is held by tens of millions of people who think exactly the same way you do.

This is why I have continually pointed out that WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY, they just control the platforms that give us the online impression of size.

There is a difference between ‘the real world’, and the ‘online world’.  Tens-of-thousands of attendees to numerous and frequent Donald Trump rallies are a visual demonstration of scale, while dozens or hundreds attended the same for Joe Biden.  There are other examples like random site-specific polls (non-media influenced), spontaneous assemblies, boat parades, etc.  In every ‘real world’ example, the ordinary American electorate visibly dominate the scope of support..........more.........

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