Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 joos are about two percent of america's population but occupy a larger than two percent position of power and influence and many are also citizens of israel, who like schumer say their first allegiance is to israel;

"The problems, mostly, come from the Jews. The Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew. The Secretary of State and the Deputy Secretary of State are Jews. The Secretary of Homeland Security is a Jew. The CIA Deputy Director is a Jew. The Attorney General is a Jew. The Director of National Intelligence, Chief of Staff, Office of Science and Technology Policy director, Deputy Secretary of Health and National Security Agency Cybersecurity Director are Jews. Wall Street Finance, mainstream media, Hollywood and entertainment are in the hands of Jews. As Netanyahu told Congress yesterday, every Jew is a Zionist, a defender of Israel. And every American who is not a defender of Israel is an anti-semite." - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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