Saturday, July 27, 2024

 this author speaks of france but i'd expand it to include all recipients of the recent 'migrant arrivals'. the motherwefers via schwab and friends have created this situation for reasons we now begin to see even more clearly. its the theme pcr speaks of with much emphasis on things like this leading towards full collapse of the long standing western governments into third world hell holes;

this is a preview: And this is just the start. We can speculate who did it here whatever we want, but strategic reality for France is that its cities are controlled NOT by French but people of different races, ethnicity and culture and many are in France not to integrate but to change France. Considering pathetic level and politically-correct driven cowardice of France's military and security apparatus, the political toppling of France is just the matter of people who know how to paralyze clownish French government. Now, with inputs of weapons from what's left of 404 and its decomposing armed forces--all ingredients are there. This is a trial run.........more.........

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