Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 the question on everyones mind who has one, is demonstrated in this article. as you know since the dems have succeeded in their 'election games' the past few runs, we're sure to see more this go round. question becomes will it be realistically opposed;

So the question everyone is thinking is why did the people accept the false election of Joe Biden in 2020 and the strange inauguration in January 2021. Those who stood up in 2021 on January 6th were falsely imprisoned, denied their rights, tortured and had medical treatments withheld.

What was the difference? The people in Venezuela have suffered more than Americans. We accepted the lies of the media, government and military. Four years later and we have suffered but not as much as Venezuelans.

If the election is stolen again, we too can fight the evil in this country. The question is whether we will stand up for our Liberty or accept evil. Most of us have pondered this question but this is our last chance. I hope the true patriots in the military are watching Venezuela and realize what their oath to uphold the Constitution means.

David DeGerolamo.......more.........

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