Tuesday, July 30, 2024

don't know for sure what they're accused of but in another article on the same case rape was mentioned, and i've seen lots of pics of palestinian prisoners face down on the ground, naked, with various items stuck up their butts. then again i've seen other israeli abuse pics as well but this is the first time i've seen an arrest of a joo for doing so; 

Dozens of Israeli protesters, including far-right members of the Knesset, have clashed with military police after at least nine soldiers suspected of abusing a Palestinian prisoner were detained for questioning from the Sde Teiman detention facility in southern Israel.

The protesters waved Israeli flags and stormed through the facility’s gate on Monday to try to prevent the soldiers’ detention as they chanted “shame”. They defended the soldiers, saying they were doing their duty. Several Israeli civilians rushed to lend support to the soldiers, according to media reports.

Some unsuccessfully tried to break into the facility. One soldier was quoted as saying by the Haaretz newspaper that some members of the military directed pepper spray at the military police who came to detain the soldiers.

Demonstrators also tried to breach the Beit Lid military base, where the soldiers were transported, according to local media.

The Israeli military said on Monday that it was holding nine soldiers for questioning after allegations of “substantial abuse” of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility, which was set up to detain Palestinians arrested in Gaza after Israel launched its war on the enclave on October 7.

The military did not disclose additional details surrounding the alleged abuse, saying only that its top legal official had launched a probe. But Israeli media reported that a Palestinian prisoner was taken to a hospital after suffering severe injuries, adding that he could not walk........more.........

and this.............more..........

and in this israeli lawmakers debate the legality of rape or other mistreatment......more.........

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