Saturday, July 27, 2024

 this is happening in germany but its just as likely here should the kamala factions rise to voting games and success as the politically correct attitude and actions are easily found all around the empire;

Even as German authorities shut down press outlets critical of mass immigration, the country has never seen so much crime from foreigners, with the share of foreign crime hitting a record high in 2023. To exemplify this trend, the case of the small town of Apolda in the eastern German state of Thuringia highlights one of the most extreme cases in the entire country. There, a Moroccan asylum seeker has been terrorizing the small town for nearly 10 years, with local authorities seemingly powerless to stop the mayhem.

The 42-year-old Moroccan migrant has had his asylum application rejected numerous times and despite committing crimes nearly non-stop, attempts to deport him have been unsuccessful, as the Moroccan government refuses to accept him back despite German authorities confirming his identity. Born in Casablanca in 1982, the man is known to Interpol for various crimes, but Moroccan authorities deny that he is their citizen.

The man’s asylum application was already rejected in 2014 since he entered Germany through Italy. At that time, he was supposed to be sent back to Italy under Dublin rules, which posited that migrants are supposed to remain in the first country they register; however, for millions of migrants, these rules were completely disregarded. In April 2015, authorities finally managed to send him back to Italy, but just four days later, he made his way back to Germany despite having a five-year residence and entry ban.

Charged with 46 crimes

Upon his return, he was arrested numerous times for resisting arrest, assault, property damage, and threats. The police launched 46 cases against him, and in 2016, a regional court in Erfurt sentenced him to 23 months in prison.

While imprisoned, he submitted an unsuccessful asylum application, and in 2017, authorities issued an order that he must be “forcibly required to leave the country.” However, upon being released from prison in July 2017, he attacked yet another police officer in his newly assigned asylum center and was arrested for a drug offense...........more.......

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