Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 the border and the biden gang, intentional as you may know;

President Joe Biden’s border policies can’t be attributed to mismanagement or incompetence, former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tom Homan said at the Republican National Convention recently. “It’s a choice. It’s national suicide.”

Homan, who has a more than 30-year career in law enforcement, began his career as a Border Patrol agent in 1984. After 34 years, he became the first director of ICE, twice, who “actually came up through the ranks,” he said. “I worked for six presidents, starting with Ronald Reagan. Every president I’ve worked for said they were going to secure the border. President Trump actually did it.” 

He also repeated what he has said numerous times: Trump “created the most secure border in our history” and cited his successful border policies.

Under President Trump, we cut illegal immigration by 90%, the lowest level in 45 years,” he said. “Deportations rose to the highest level ever, including historic numbers of illegal alien gang members and criminals. Most importantly, four years under President Trump, we had 13 people we arrested on the Terrorist Watch List, [under] Joe Biden, 381,” he said, referring to those who illegally entered between ports of entry at the southwest border.

The total number of known or suspected terrorists who were apprehended under the Biden administration is much higher, over 1,700, with the greatest number coming through the northern border, The Center Square first reported. The greatest number of illegal border crossers have entered the U.S. while Biden’s been in office of over 12 million, including two million who evaded capture, known as gotaways, The Center Square first reported. Law enforcement officials estimate the gotaway number is underreported by between 10 and 20 percent and say they have no idea how many, who or where they are.........more..........

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