Monday, July 1, 2024

 my regular metaphor for things like this subject is that we're like the crowd of blind people describing the true nature of the elephant based upon which part of the creature we're holding so with that in mind i appraise these items with various sources to confirm or provide directions and conclusions. there is no doubt we're being assaulted by undefined and unclear forces though it isn't totally blind. the motherwefers/schwabbies, and their new world order are certainly front and center;

America is upside down. What just happened is unthinkable and mind-boggling. This represents a radical 180-degree turnaround. What is it? The ever-lying, completely corrupt news media stood up - to everyone's amazement - against Deep State puppet and ultimate traitor Joe Biden, and unanimously promoted their worst enemy, Donald Trump, as the best candidate to become the next president of the United States.

After many years of smearing and slandering Donald Trump, lying their brains out, vomiting all over him, and humiliating anyone who believed in him - even labeling Trump supporters ‘domestic terrorists’ - all of a sudden the corrupt, criminal news media have shifted and dumped their crap on Biden instead of Trump!

What is going on here?  The answer will surprise you and will ignite tremendous hope for a better future.  But first, a bit of groundwork...

The Plan To Destroy America, In Favor Of A One World Government

For the past decades, America has been suffering under the death grip of traitors who have been strategically destroying the United States from the inside out. One Deep State criminal after the other was positioned to be president: the Bushes, Clintons, Obama - all of these were servants of the wicked elites who have a diabolical agenda for world domination.

They needed to first eliminate the patriot movement in America, and according to former British intelligence officer Alex Thompson, thousands of patriots and freedom fighters were murdered during the sixties and seventies, after the murder of John F. Kennedy. The agenda to destroy America was in full swing, and seemed unstoppable.

Many globalist organizations were formed to further the agenda of a one world government, under the total control of unelected financial elites who would enslave every soul on the face of the Earth: the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the Bank for International Settlements, the City of London, the WorldBank, the International Monetary Fund and many others.........more......

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