Tuesday, July 2, 2024

 in 'our new world order' speech was once free, but now it has controls placed on it that would be denounced if the 'opposition' practiced the controls we, the empire, now impose;

As Germans become increasingly unhappy about the number of crimes being committed by foreign people there, the government has been trying to curb opposition to immigration. In one recent incident, however, police who went to investigate reports of people singing a banned song were surprised when they saw the “culprits.”

In Germany, police have been increasingly deployed in “operations” to address instances of people singing a song that has become associated with nationalism. This trend has seen mostly young people singing the phrase “Foreigners out, Germany for the Germans” to the beat of a popular electronic song by Gigi D’Agostino known as “L’amour toujours.” The slogan was used by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and is illegal in Germany.

However, when police were called out to a birthday party in Rhineland-Palatinate, they discovered that the people singing the song calling for foreign people to leave the country were actually foreigners themselves, speaking only Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Romanian.

A representative of the police department that responded said: “What is remarkable in this context is that the women were all non-German nationals and only one woman had any significant knowledge of German.”

In this case, the individuals involved were only singing the song because they had heard it on social media. They said they did not know that people who sing it are facing criminal prosecution in Germany right now.

That’s right – some of Germany’s top politicians have demanded that people who sing the song face the “maximum penalty."........more.......

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